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台灣公共衛生雜誌/Taiwan Journal of Public Health


5-year IF 0.298
0.298 2023 年
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綜合 8
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人類乳突病毒(Human papillomavirus, HPV)是子宮頸癌的主要致病因子。目前已有兩種HPV疫苗,分別為四價(HPV-6, 11, 16及18)及二價(HPV-16, 18),核准於26歲以下的青少女使用。由於定價昂貴,且長期保護力及疫苗安全性有待觀察,對HPV 疫苗接種政策出現若干不同意見。本文回顧相關文獻,並從美國Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention與Public Health Leadership Society共同制定的歷史性文獻Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health所揭櫫的公共衛生倫理(Public health ethics)原則來剖析「是否應強制全面接種HPV疫苗」及「是否應公費補助接種HPV疫苗」兩個議題。我們認為,在目前有限之資料下,是否強制施打,仍有商榷餘地,將來更需要進行公開透明之政策討論,取得公眾之信任,以決定HPV疫苗之強制施打是否能夠通過比例原則之考量。是否公費補助則必須考量成本效益,在最佳條件之假設下,成本效益分析顯示HPV疫苗在台灣具成本效益,因此,以公費補助低收入戶少女接種HPV疫苗,應是目前適當的做法。

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Objectives: To investigate the association of household income and healthcare utilization as well as survival status of patients with catastrophic illnesses under the NHI system in Taiwan. Methods: Data from the ”Survey of Family Income and Expenditure” (2003 to 2006) and the ”Registry of patients with catastrophic illness” were first linked to identify subjects. Patients with cancer or end stage renal disease (ESRD) holding only one NHI catastrophic illness card were included in this study. Information related to healthcare utilization was obtained from NHI claims data (2002 to 2007) and survival data was obtained from the ”National Registry of Deaths” (2003 to 2009). Negative binominal regression, multiple regression, and the Cox proportional hazard model were used to analyze the relationships among healthcare utilization, survival, and socioeconomic variables. Results: Regarding the healthcare utilization, the average length of stay (ALOS) of ESRD patients in the highest income bracket was 8.987 days longer than that of patients in the lowest bracket (p<0.05). Hemodialysis usage, the number of outpatient visits and hospitalizations presented no correlation with household income. Among cancer patients in the highest income bracket, the IRRs of outpatient visits and hospitalization were 1.18 (p<0.05) and 2.11 (p<0.001), respectively. The ALOS of those in the highest income bracket was 11.36 days longer than that of patients in the lowest income bracket (p<0.001). With respect to survival status, male ESRD patients had a higher mortality than females (HR=1.82, p<0.05). Among cancer patients, being males (HR=1.66, p<0.05) and in the highest income bracket had higher mortality (HR=1.6, p<0.05), those with the highest education level had lower mortality (HR=0.52, p<0.05). Conclusions: The relationship between household income and healthcare utilization varied according to type of diseases. Income level was positively associated with healthcare utilization among cancer patients while patients in the highest income bracket had higher mortality. But the association was not significant among ESRD patients. Future researchers can conduct further analyses on other catastrophic illnesses.

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Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks and desserts among pre-school children and estimate the intake of refined sugar among children aged 2 to 5 by a prospective cohort. Methods: Total 301 infants were followed up annually to the age of 5 (n=132). The intake of refined sugar is calculated by using 24-hour recalls. Estimated percentages of refined sugar in various food products are used in order to obtain the average daily intakes. Results: The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages increased with age. ”Flavored and fermented milk” contributed to the highest percentage among children aged 2-5, while the ”whole grains drinks” and ”tea drinks” showed an increasing trend over the years and the ”tea drinks” increased its consumption sharply. For snacks and desserts, ”biscuits” contributed the highest percentage among children aged 2 to 4, while ”Chinese sweet soup” showed an upward trend over the years with the highest percentage among children aged 5. The estimated refined sugar consumption was 13 ± 12g, 19 ± 16g, 32 ± 18g, 29 ± 20g (p for trend<0.01), energy intake from refined sugar was 5%, 6%, 9% and 8% among children aged 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Conclusions: Over one-third of 5-year old children had over 10% of their caloric intakes from refined sugar. The caffeine in tea may not be suitable for young children. Proper eating habits and a balanced diet could facilitate the normal growth and development of healthy children.

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目標:霸凌事件是值得研究的公共衛生議題。本文目的乃描述台灣地區公立國中學生之霸凌角色的分佈,並探討與其相關之個人及家庭因素。方法:為獲得台灣地區具代表性之公立國中生樣本,因此先自台灣北、中、南、東各區,以系統抽樣的方式抽出五間學校,每校每年級選兩班作為研究樣本。最後共20間學校,120個班級參加調查,於2010年9至12月完訪3,441人。為考量設計效果,以抽取率的倒數作為權值,並以SAS 9.1.3之Proc Survey模組進行描述統計及多項式邏輯斯迴歸分析。結果:台灣地區國中生有8.71%為霸凌者、7.01%為被霸凌者,2.91%為雙重身份者,共18.63%為霸凌事件的涉入者。性別、衝動人格、自覺受歡迎程度、父母最高教育程度、家庭衝突頻率、口語責罵頻率及體罰頻率分別與霸凌角色有不同的關連性。結論:霸凌事件在國中盛行,建議在國中之前即可發展預防介入計畫。不同霸凌角色之相關因素不同,應針對不同角色設計介入方案。整體而言,建議家庭增加良性互動和減少衝突及過度責罰。

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