
台灣公共衛生雜誌/Taiwan Journal of Public Health



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Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of food consumption during culinary training programs on dental caries (decayed, missing, and filled teeth; DMFT) and on blood lead levels (PbB) in college students. Methods: In this longitudinal two-year follow-up study of 376 freshmen enrolled in the school year 2004 at one culinary college and at one medical university, both located in southern Taiwan, data were collected from September 2004 to September 2006. The final study population included the 247 students who completed the two-wave surveys. Results: After adjusting for the baseline number of dental caries (DMFT), DMFT was found to be reduced (0.302; p=.008) in students whose mothers graduated from college or university. Besides, compared to non-culinary students, culinary students had on average 0.509 more dental caries (p=0.008). After adjusting for baseline blood lead levels (PbB), blood lead levels were higher in men than women (β=0.319; p=0.006). In addition, compared to non-bartender students, bartender students on average had 0.319μg/dL (p=0.006) more PbB. Conclusions: After adjusting for confounding factors, we found culinary training increases the risk for dental caries, and bartender training significantly increases PbB; therefore, occupational health education programs should alert people involved in the culinary field to the potential health hazards of their employment.

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目標:在藉由香菸的價格彈性估計來評估提高香菸健康捐課徵對香菸消費的影響,研究結果有助於台灣未來調漲香菸健康捐之重要參考依據。方法:使用門檻迴歸(threshold regression)搭配短視上癮模型(myopic addiction model),以1975-2006年的菸品價量時間數列資料,估計香菸的價格彈性。結果:高價區及低價區的香菸格彈性分別-0.7312及-0.1204。若依國民健康局菸害防制法修正案國內菸品健康捐由10元增加為20元,將使國人平均每人香菸消費減少14.36%,節省醫療支出約8.45%(約30.86億)。結論:門檻模型的估計結果與一般線性模式確實有差異;另一方面,從菸害防制及財政的觀點,課徵香菸捐將有助於抑制國人香菸的消費,又可以額外增加政府財政收益。

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Objectives: The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors associated with the willingness of policemen to participate in needle exchange programs in Taiwan. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among policemen who attended an introductory program about needle exchange programs in seven counties of southern Taiwan. Anonymous, voluntary questionnaires were distributed to the policemen. These included scales for assessing knowledge and attitude toward HIV and hepatitis, attitudes toward injection drug users (IDUs), and experiences during drug crackdowns. Results: A total of 745 policemen attended introductory programs. Of the 467 respondents (62.7% of the survey sample), fifty-six percent of the policmen (n=247) were willing to actively participate in the needle exchange programs. Compared to the unwilling participants, policemen willing to actively participate in the needle exchange programs: had higher scores on knowledge of HIV and hepatitis (OR, 1.27; 95%CI, 1.07-1.51; p<0.01), felt comfortable being with IDUs (OR, 1.24; 95%CI, 1.06-1.45; p<0.01), were older (OR, 1.12, 95%CI, 1.02-1.22; p<0.05), had a negative attitude toward IDUs (OR, 0.88 ; 95%CI, 0.78-0.99; p<0.05), and experienced fewer episodes of splattering by suspect’s blood (OR, 0.44; 95%CI, 0.21-0.90; p<0.05). Conclusions: It is important for policemen to improve their knowledge about HIV and hepatitis, and about ways to prevent occupational exposure to bloodborne transmitted viruses. A comprehensive and effective post-exposure protocol is essential in order to minimize the risk of occupational bloodborne viral infections for policemen and to enhance their willingness to actively participate in needle exchange programs.

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Objectives: The study analyzed the dating and premarital sexual behaviors of adolescents with different backgrounds who had ever made friends on the Internet. The study also aimed to discern the differing influential factors on the dating and premarital sexual behavior of adolescents of the opposite sex who first met virtually or in-person. Methods: A stratified cluster sampling method was used to identify 1003 second-year public junior high school, high school, and vocational school students in Taipei with Internet friend-making experience. Participants completed a cross-sectional questionnaire. Results: Of the participants, 19.2% had dated a person of the opposite sex first met on the Internet, which was reflected in their lower score for the family relationship portion of the questionnaire (p<.001). The main factor influencing the pursuit of a virtual or reality-based romantic relationship varied with participants; those inclined to a virtual route were influenced by their friendship with opposite gender peers, while the degree of premarital sexual behavior acceptance influenced reality-based relationships (p<.001). The degree of willingness to date was the strongest predictive factor for sexual openness with Internet companions, while acceptance of premarital sexual behavior most strongly predicted pursuit of a reality-based relationship. Conclusions: Family relationship is an important protective factor to reduce high-risk sexual behavior of adolescents. The patterns of adolescent dating and premarital sexual behavior with opposite sex companions first met through the Internet and in person are different. Intervention strategies should take into account these different patterns. necessary to divide groups in designing the intervention courses to meet their different needs.

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目標:許多研究評估「糖尿病醫療給付改善方案」之成效,然而這些評估多缺乏對照組,且較少著墨於偏遠鄉鎮的個案。本研究藉由比較共同照護網參與組和對照組重複測量資料,評估糖尿病共同照護網對偏遠地區中老年患者相關代謝指標的長期控制成效。方法:以回溯式研究法進行資料收集及分析。資料來源為中台灣某地區醫院2002年12月至2007年7月之門診個案。採共變量分析(ANCOVA)比較兩組在二時間點上的差異,並以混合模式(mixed models)比較兩組的變化趨勢。結果:參與組的空腹血糖控制在參與照護網約三個月後與對照組呈現顯著差異;糖化血色素、總膽固醇和三酸甘油酯則在參與照護網約九個月後與對照組有顯著差異。結論:糖尿病共同照護網對於改善個案之糖化血素、空腹血糖、總膽固醇和三酸甘油酯的成效佳,對高、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇的改善效果則不明顯。多數患者在多項代謝指標的控制上,仍未達美國糖尿病學會的建議目標。參與組的長期控制成效明顯較佳,建議患者應長期且持續接受適當的衛教和照護介入。