
大專體育學刊/Sports & Exercise Research

中華民國大專院校體育總會 & Ainosco Press,正常發行


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Refereeing demands fast and accurate perceptual skills in making judgment. With the prosperity of computer-information development, it is possible to give particular objects tests about the qualification of perceptual skills by means of computer technology plus specific situational design. This study is aimed to establish a virtual-testing system that can evaluate and promote a referee's perceptual skills. This study went through a live digital recording during the judging process of the first referee in a formal game. The process was observed, edited, and aided with computer program in order to complete the work of the virtual reality system for testing the referees' judgment in competitions. We randomly twenty-four domestic referees as objects; by watching the videotape, the examinees used the mouse as the instrument to decide the timing of the judgment and the result in every round, as a method to control the accuracy, plus the correctness of gesturing in foul plays. The system took a separate record of every examinee's spending time in the test. Two sets of data were collected: one based on the system by testing those with B-above license refereeing 495 times and those with C license 585 times and the other based on the analysis of the chi-square and t-test statistics. We found that the referees with B-above license were indeed better than those with C license (p<.05) in accuracy of gesturing in foul plays, the judgment in every round, the spending time of taking the decision, and the accuracy of the judging timing. The testing result indicated that the system not only promoted the quality of the volleyball referees but also drew a distinction in perceptual skills between the two levels of referees. As a result, the virtual-reality testing system of sports referees' perceptual skills efficiently recorded the decisions made by the examinees in the virtual-reality competitions, and offered the referees an evaluation for improvement, in order to have an advanced progress in referees' perceptual skills. This system may be applied to other sports fields, and with the same principle we designed applicable virtual-reality contents applied to the sports referees' lectures in order to promote the referees' training achievement and the technical quality of judgment.

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This study compared lower-limb power in different sports and provided useful information for the coaches in training. The Chinese Taipei Women Volleyball team, the Softball team and the Soccer team participated in this study. All subjects performed squat jumps (SJ), counter movement jumps (CMJ) and one-minute continuous jumps with bent legs individually with their maximal efforts on the Kistler force plate. The parameters of jump height, average mechanical power, prestretch, and lower-limb muscular endurance were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Three findings were obtained. First, there were no significant differences among the three teams on average mechanical power. However, the height of SJ (42.58±2.76 cm) and the height of CMJ (45.62±3.3 cm) were significantly higher in the Volleyball team players than those in the other two teams (p<.05). Second, the ability of prestretch in the Soccer team players (11.15±5.82%) was significantly better than the other players in the other two teams (p<.05). The Softball team players were the second and volleyball team players were the third. Third, the Soccer team players (67.59%) were significantly better on muscular endurance than the Softball team players and the Volleyball team players which were in the second and third places (p<.05). The results of this study indicated that there were some differences on lower-limb power in different sports. Coaches and athletes of different sports can understand further and clearly about the characteristics of the lower-limb power from this study. The results of this study can also provide a useful reference in sports training program in the future.

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本研究目的在探討手球選手執行五種不同角度(0度直線跑、10°、30°、50°及70°範圍)側向跨步過人切入動作,對人體下肢段動力學變化情形。受試對象以國立台北教育大學男子甲組優秀手球選手七名,平均年齡為22±1.19歲、身高1.77±0.05公尺、體重78.42±8.26公斤。實驗儀器以Mega Speed 25k高速攝影機(120Hz)與AMTI測力板(1200 Hz)同步擷取側向跨步切入動作之運動學與動力學等參數。影片由APAS動作分析系統進行數位、線性轉換及濾波後,獲得人體下肢段各關節的位移、質心加速度、角加速度、以及各肢段絕對角度等運動學參數值。測力板訊號透過Dasy Lab 6.0軟體進行量化,經內建模組予以校正後得到地面反作用力及壓力中心座標,並結合人體肢段參數,利用動力學逆過程方程式進行推導,求得下肢段各關節之受力與力矩資料。本研究結果發現,側向跨步切入角度越大時,在制動期下肢段各關節的最大受力與力矩,皆呈現越大的趨勢。其中膝關節在制動期所產生的最大剪力,對肌肉靭帶骨骼組織具有一定之影響。

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This study investigated the biomechanical factors involved in Wushu side-stamp. Data were obtained from seven subjects of the National Wushu Teams in Taiwan (age: 28.0±5.2 yr, height: 175.0±4.6 cm, weight: 72.1±6.6 kg, practice time: 9.0±2.4 yr). The biomechanical factors of the side-stamp were analyzed with AcqKnowledge Bio-pac system (2000Hz) and high-speed Redlake MotionScope Cameras (250Hz). The results through Pearson's product-moment correlation indicated that the movement time of the side-stamp was increased by increasing the time period between the time starting to extend the knee angle of the kicking leg and the time making contact with the target (p<.05). The knee angle of the supporting leg was increased by decreasing the movement time (p<.05). The punching effect was increased by decreasing the knee angle of the supporting leg in making contact with the target (p<.05) and by increasing the knee angle of the supporting leg in the action phase (p<.05). To sum up, the effect of the side-stamp resulted from the kicking after contacting the target, rather than from the muscle momentum before the contact. For shortening the movement time and improving the striking effect of the side-stamp, one should enlarge the stretching of the supporting leg. Besides, the time initiating the extension of the kicking leg should be closed by the time hitting the target.

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本研究目的在探討鞍馬運動過程,選手實施的單手支撐仰轉360°動作。研究方法採用高速攝影機(JVC-9800; 60Hz)以APAS運動影像系統進行分析,使用MRI法建立之個人化人體肢段參數,將實施動作過程分為七個位置點,個案分析並探討蕭才智選手在鞍馬上完成單手支撐仰轉360°動作的運動現象及影響動作完成的因素。本研究結果如下:一、動作過程至第四位置(右手離鞍)開始進行單手支撐仰轉360°時,支撐臂的肩關節必須維持縮小的狀態,方能有效控制全旋的速度及身體的位移。二、單手支撐仰轉360°動作的肩關節角度與角速度兩者之間有其關聯性,成功動作由第四位置(右手離鞍)時肩關節角度呈現緊縮狀態時,角速度亦有減緩的趨勢,此一現象有助於選手成功完成單手支撐仰轉360°動作。三、失敗動作在單手支撐仰轉期的垂直速度與合速度有明顯增加之趨勢,導致身體重心高度出現明顯下降。四、動作在第一~第二位置及第五~第六位置時,蕭才智巧妙運用縮小肩、髖關節角度的技術使動作得以順利進行,但是以支撐臂為旋轉軸心的軀幹肢段旋轉半徑幅度受到影響,導致轉動貫量數值降低。

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The Taiwan Army's soldiers with flatfeet had sports injuries while accepting long-term training. They would have the risk of dangers even though that they did not reach the criterion (the angle of fifth metatarsal-calcaneus>165°). Therefore, We recruited the subjects aged from 18 to 25 males (flat 172.3±4.8cm, 67.0±7.6kg, 56 feet and normal 176.2±6.6cm, 69.6±9.6kg, 30 feet) through calculate parameter of footprints, and examined the foot parameters in order to find out more proper and easier standard of judgment. Then t-test (α=.05) was used to differentiate between the normalfooted and flatfooted (X-ray>165°). This study also constructed a test of criterion-referenced in nine measurement indexes, by logistic regression analysis establishment formula (according to standards AI>0.26, AI>0.30, X-rays > 165). Three findings were obtained. First, there was a best logistic regression analysis establishment formula: that is, Logit p=9.072+(-8.282)× Arch Leight Ratio. It reached 82.9% of the explanation strength. Secand, the probability of predicting the flatfooted reached 82.9%. It showed that the prediction accuracy was high, ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic curve), and rises fast demonstrated the Logistic pattern quality and prediction of the accuracy were high. Therefore, it was suggested that was a good and easy way to measure the footprints by Arch Leight Ratio for the Army and the shoes designers to discriminate flatfooted from the normal. Third, there were significant differences (p<.05) on dorsum of foot (N/F7.76±0.62/7.13±0.78), on the angle (M5-calcaneus) (N/F156.18±5.43/167.22±3.60) by X-ray, Arch Index (N/ F0.28±0.05/ 0.34±0.05), and Arch Length Ratio (N/F1.249±0.384/0.22±0.67) between the normal and the flatfooted. There were no significant differences on Arch Ratio (N/F0.37±0.03/0.36±0.04). It meaned that there were different results in judging flatfeet by the Arch Leight Ratio and X-ray. We suggested that many ways of Arch indexes of feet need to be researched and discussed.

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This paper examined the influence of three different exercise prescriptions on physiological index and humoral immunity of weight-reduced overweight persons. The subjects consisted of 21 female university students whose BMIs (Body Mass Indexes) were larger than 25kg/m^2. They were randomly divided into three groups; each group had seven subjects. Their diet would not be changed, but they were assigned to three different exercise prescriptions groups. All exercise prescriptions included an aerobic exercise (walking) session for a six-week duration and five times per week. The three groups were different in terms of exercise intensity (Group Ⅰ: 50%-55% HR(subscript max); Group Ⅱ: 60%-65% HR(subscript max); and Group Ⅲ: 70%-75% HR(subscript max)) and exercise duration (Group Ⅰ: 60 minutes, Group Ⅱ: 50 minutes, Group Ⅲ: 40 minutes). The anthropometric data (weight, height, body fat percentage and circumference of waist and hip) and physiological indexes (immunoglobulin IgA, IgG and IgM) were measured 48 hours before and after the exercise session. After the six-week aerobic exercise, all subjects in the three groups significantly improved (p<.05) in weight, BMI and body fat percentages. Although all subjects improved in the waist and hip ratios, only subjects in group Ⅲ reached the significant level (p<.05). Regarding the immunoglobulin response, both Group Ⅰ and Group Ⅱ significantly increased (p<.05) in IgA, IgG and IgM. Besides, IgG and IgM did not change in Group Ⅲ, while significantly decreased in IgA (p<.05). The exercise prescriptions for Groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ could improve the anthropometric indexes as well as the immune response. Thus, these two exercise prescriptions could be served as safe and feasible methods for weight reduction and enhancement of the immune functions.