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電子商務學報/Journal of E-Business

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5-year IF 0.089
0.089 2024 年
Discipline Ranking
管理 31
Provided by Academic Citation Index

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The successful integration of newcomers into online brand communities is essential for sustaining community vitality and cohesion. The integration of newcomers frequently introduces fresh perspectives and new social connections, affecting interaction patterns in online communities. This study addresses the critical challenge of understanding how newcomers adjust and how this adjustment impacts their participation. Grounded in socialization theory, we conceptualize newcomer adjustment as a comprehensive second-order construct comprising self-efficacy, role clarity, and social acceptance. By leveraging both self-reported and archival behavioral data, we demonstrate that effective newcomer adjustment is key to fostering active participation within online communities. Our findings reveal that community insiders' factors such as member similarity, involvement, and receptivity significantly facilitate newcomer adjustment. Moreover, this study explores the moderating role of pride-a self-conscious emotion-in strengthening the relationship between newcomer adjustment and participation behaviors. We find that pride enhances confidence, encourages generosity, and deepens social bonds, thereby amplifying the positive effects of newcomer adjustment on participation. By integrating both information sharing and virtual gift-giving into our comprehensive model, we offer a roadmap for enhancing newcomer integration and, ultimately, ensuring the long-term success and vitality of online brand communities.

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The aim of this research was to examine the determinants of mobile-banking technology in order further to provide an integrated model on which the acceptance of innovative services in relation to the behavioral intention consumers have to use food delivery platforms can be based. This cross-cultural study was conducted in Taiwan and Thailand. The results indicated that functional risk, security, and supply uncertainty could be critical determinants, with direct related innovative service risks. Also, based on the results, the innovative service risks could influence the intentions users have when they use the m-banking system. This is because immediate enhancement in their behavioral intention of using food delivery platforms can be made. Finally, the empirical findings could provide researchers with valuable theoretical contributions and practical implications in the food delivery platform sector.

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近年來,網紅代言成為重要的行銷方式。然而,目前尚缺乏能全面衡量網紅影響力的量表。本研究發展網紅影響力量表,透過四階段的實證達成此目標。首先,文獻探討確定網紅影響力構面,並發展初步量表。隨後階段,以探索性因素分析純化量表並驗證信效度,獲得45題完整語句版與45題簡要敍述版量表。第三階段比較45題簡要敍述版與本階段15題短版,最終確定15題短版量表的適用性。第四階段則利用多元特質多元方法矩陣(Multi-Trait-Multimethod Matrix, MTMM)驗證量表的聚斂性與區辨性。最終,本研究發展出包含四個維度與15個構面的網紅影響力量表,並提供兩個版本(45題簡要敍述版與15題短版)。此量表將為行銷工作者提供評估網紅影響力的指標,並為未來學術研究奠定基礎。

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透過提供旅遊者個人化旅遊推薦以改善其旅遊體驗,符合SDGs永續旅遊之精神。人格特質是旅遊景點推薦系統中關鍵影響特徵,尚未有以人格特質作為中介連結顏色心理學與旅遊景點推薦系統之研究。本研究以顏色心理學為基礎建立五大人格特質之預測模型,並構建質量擴散(Mass diffusion)旅遊景點推薦系統。本研究實證以顏色心理學為基礎能有效辨別個體之間的人格特質差異,質量擴散推薦演算法則對於個人化之旅遊景點推薦有顯著的加乘作用,推薦精確率最高可達29%,召回率可達52%,F1-score約37%。期為旅遊、觀光業提供創新推薦個人化旅遊景點之方式,以達精準行銷以及永續旅遊之目標。

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Clickbait has become ubiquitous as an online advertising tactic in recent years. However, little research attention has been paid to the effect of clickbait and how it is perceived by viewers. To explain how clickbait affects viewers' satisfaction with the ad, we propose a model based on the expectation disconfirmation theory and the incongruity-resolution model of humor. We investigate how the incongruity caused by clickbait influences viewer satisfaction, and how incongruity resolution moderates that influence. The results of the experiment show that incongruity between the ad headline and the content can reduce ad value, but if the incongruity can be resolved, it can also generate delight (i.e., happiness), which enhances ad effectiveness. The research findings can help advertisers and content providers to design more effective clickbait advertisements.

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不同於新資訊系統採用或現行系統持續使用的決策,軟體升級必須同時考量在新舊軟體之間進行轉換的利益得失以及現行版本軟體對使用者決策制定帶來的包袱。本研究基於現況偏差觀點和科技接受整合模式,提出一個整合知覺轉換利益、知覺轉換成本和心理承諾視角的模型,以分析理性和非理性決策因素如何影響用戶升級至Windows 10作業系統的意圖。本研究以網路問卷調查獲得200份有效樣本,並採 SmartPLS進行六項研究假說的檢定。研究結果除了印證現況偏差觀點和科技接受整合模式對軟體升級決策的解釋力,更發現知覺轉換成本比起知覺轉換利益對軟體升級意圖有更強的影響力。

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Most investors regard enterprise forecasting as a valuable tool when making investment decisions; in addition to reflecting the operational performance of an enterprise at a given time in the future, it helps internal business managers to make intelligent management decisions. However, when undertaking enterprise forecasting, it is crucial to obtain key information and use the most appropriate approach to generate forecasting information so that investors can thoroughly understand the status of a company and use the forecasting information to determine whether or not to invest in the company. Key audit matters (KAM) are the most important matters to the audit of the financial statements of the current period according to the professional judgment of the certified public accountant. The disclosure of KAM aims to enhance information transparency and value relevance of audit reports. However, the disclosure of KAM is still inconclusive with respect to whether it can improve the usefulness of enterprise forecasting. This study performed textual analysis of key audit matters (KAMs) to forecast enterprise operational performance, credit risk, and stock price, to provide a reference for investors when making decisions, thereby enabling them to increase their profits. Our research objective was achieved by designing an enterprise forecasting process based on KAMs, developing related enterprise forecasting techniques, and demonstrating and evaluating the proposed enterprise forecasting approach.

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