
台北海洋技術學院學報/Journal of Taipei College of Maritime Technology



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Along with the booming of global tourism, hospitality industry has become one of the star industries in the 21st century. The rapid growth in the hospitality industry has increased the number of job opportunities. English plays an important role as the medium for business and international communication in today's workplace. Complying with the global trend, the demands for having proficient English competence and communicative skills have been emphasized for vocational purposes. This study aimed at exploring Taiwanese technological university students’ language needs and the factors that impact their learning while participating in an ESP context. The samples include eight non-English majors who enrolled in 18-week Hospitality English class. A qualitative research approach was employed to depict the needs of students’ English learning. Data were collected by means of an interview protocol. The findings can provide some benefits as follows. First, the findings tried to discover which course designs and methodologies students preferred their instructors to incorporate into the English class. Second, the findings showed that there was significant differences existed among students’ opinions concerning taking this ESP course. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for improving ESP teaching were also addressed in this study.

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隨著台灣餐飲業的蓬勃發展,台灣餐飲教育也日臻興盛,加上餐飲食尚、名人加持,高中職飲餐飲科就讀率在少子化、生源少之衝擊下,卻逆勢成長,然而其休學率卻高於一般高中,為防止學生流失、留住學生,學生就讀動機亟待研究。而首度面對2000年出生之2K學生,其獨特屬性與就讀動機即為迫切議題。本研究以網路問卷立意抽樣調查全國餐飲科學生,以有效問卷492份進行SPSS 21.0資料分析。研究結果發現,2K學生之就讀動機及個人屬性(如家長職業、教育程度、就讀學校等)存在個別差異。研究結果可為高中端學校根據就讀動機的個別差異性,研擬留住學生的策略。

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In this study we follow the method of Bayesian technique with a difference. In traditional Bayesian method one assumes a prior distribution, may be a conjugate one, which is centered at super parameters. Our approach of data increase is supposed to help for small samples or cases where a very few observations are available. We use prior distributions, centered at the given observations (pretending them to be super parameters), to generate a larger artificial dataset which may be termed as second generation dataset. This larger second generation dataset is then used to draw statistical inferences. The method is dependent on computational resources, and may be useful in applied problems.

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Tourists usually buy gifts to relatives and friends during journey. However, the asymmetry of gift appreciation generally occurs between givers and recipients in process of gifting. Prior researches demonstrated that the asymmetry comes from different conditions that givers selected gifts from many simultaneous options in the joint evaluation mode (JE), but recipients merely evaluate gift in the separate evaluation mode (SE), that caused their discrepancy. But this kind of theory is frequently having contradiction in practice. This research proposes that the gift comparability should be considered in JE mode. This research focuses on the effect of gift comparability (wide vs. narrow), on evaluation of recipients (SE vs. JE), and two experiences were adopted. The result revealed that in wide gifts comparability condition, recipients perform in JE are resulted in more positive appreciation on the gift. Comparatively, in narrow gifts comparability condition, recipients perform in JE that showed preference reversal from givers are brought less negative appreciation on the gift, whereas ones perform in JE that showed preference symmetry with givers are resulted in more positive appreciation on the gift.

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