
大專體育學術專刊/Archives of University Education and Sports



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Research Purpose: This study was to understand the current physical fitness status of male police officers in Penghu County, and to compare the difference of physical condition among ages and time of service. Research Method: Objects of this research were 205 male police officers at post. The average age, height and weight were 33.10±4.74 years old, 173.35±4.94 centimeters, and 74.58±10.70 kilograms. Categories of physical fitness test included: height, weight body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), sit-forward-bend, one-minute sit-up, stand-broad-jump, 1,600-meters walk-run, and questionnaire on exercising habits. The results were analyzed with SPSS for Windows 17.0 statistic software for descriptive statistic and one-way ANOVA. Research Results: 84.9% of male police officers in Penghu County are with exercising habits, 22% of which chose swimming. Compare the test results of physical fitness with the same age level, 31-35 years old, and analyze with percentile rank norms comparison, the BMI ranked normal, body fat distribution-ideal, muscular endurance-very good, and flexibility-good. Compared with different age levels and time of service, there are no identical difference in sit-forward-bend and 1,600-meters walk-run; however, their BMI, WHR, one-minute sit-up, and stand-broad-jump had reached the identical difference (p<.05). Conclusion: The middle age male police officers in Penghu County, who are older and/or senior than others, should not neglect the importance of weight control as well as build up correct dining habits. Proper physical fitness trainings and educational courses should also be given to them.

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Objective: A 3-month following study was to examine the influence of routinely exercise on physical fitness in the patients with chronic mental health problems. Method: Twenty-four patients were recruited in a 12-sessions physical fitness program. Each of them were completed the baseline of physical fitness evaluation before the first session. They were trained by aerobic dancing, brisk, jumping, the mountain climbing and rope skipping competition, in an hour. ANOVA and descriptive analysis were used to examine the outcome of fitness program. Result: Measuring after were taken 12 week routine exercise program. There were significantly difference of the patients' muscle power, the muscle endurance, the cardiovascular endurance all achieve (p<.05); However flexibility and the bodily composition , the systolic pressure, the diastolic pressure reached marginally significant level. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the patients' muscular power, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance were improved significantly after the invention of the exercise program. Furthermore, the model of exercise program for the patient should be modified as low intensity and long duration to prevent extreme stimulation to cause the patient's frustration and dodge.

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目的:本研究目的在探討接受籃球訓練學童和一般學童身體組成之差異,包括體脂肪百分比、骨質率、身體質量指數、整體肌肉率和各肢段肌肉量百分比,進而了解籃球訓練對學童身體組成的影響。方法:以72名年齡在10-11歲之學童參與本研究。其中36名籃球訓練學童為參與籃球課程訓練之學童;36名非籃球訓練學童為參與一般性活動之學童。受試者皆進行Physion MD身體組成測量儀(Physion, Inc., Japan)檢測。結果:男籃學童在骨質率和整體肌肉率顯著高於一般男童,但在體脂肪率與BMI未達顯著。在各肢段肌肉量百分比方面,除左小腿肌肉量百分比未達顯著外,其餘肢段與軀幹皆顯著高於一般男童。在整體性之身體組成方面,女籃學童在骨質率和整體肌肉率雖亦高於一般女童,而體脂肪率與BMI低於一般女童,但均未達顯著水準。在各肢段肌肉量百分比方面,女籃學童在左小腿、右小腿、左下肢、右下肢肌肉量百分比顯著高於一般女童。結論:籃球訓練對學童身體組成的骨質和整體肌肉發展有其正面的影響。

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Purpose: The study was to investigate the effects of 6 weeks of intensity intermittent training (IT) on lactate (La) responses to 400 m track running. Methods: Seven male sprinters were volunteers as the study subjects. Their average age, height, and weight were 22.9±2.5 yrs, 176.7±6.0 cm, 71±5.8 kg, 7.7±2.0 yrs, respectively. All of the subjects performed 2 times of 300 m sprint run, 2 days, and 6 weeks IT. The data of La was test at pre and post experiment. The La was measured at immediate, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 min after 400 m run, respectively. Repeated-measures t-test was used in this study, significance was determined at an α level of 0.05. Results: The findings are as follows: First of all, the La for 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 min of recovery time were significant higher than immediate after 400 m track running (p<.05). The lactate values of pre-exercise was lower than post-exercise, but no significant (p>.05). The rang of lactate values were 18.13 mmol to 22.17 mmol. in pre-exercise and 18.49 mmol to 19.43 mmol in post- exercise. Conclusion: Two times of 300 m sprint run, 2 days, 6 weeks of HT slight improved the sprinter's blood lactate and 400 m performance.

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現代人的忙碌,造成很多文明人的疾病,其中以心血管與腦血管病症最為頻繁。中風即為其中一例,中風是大腦缺血後幾秒鐘至數分鐘之內,出現的一系列功能紊亂的總稱。本研究是利用林佳皇醫師的佐證資料進行後設分析研究,研究目的在於以運動學角度分析在兩種不同回饋型式(KP & KR)的重覆性動作訓練,研究方法以兩組實驗組(KP & KR)和控制組用「隨機雙盲對照試驗」的方式進行中風病患上肢學習能力的影響以及評量認知缺損對動作能力學習的影響。研究結果顯示:中風病人發病6個月後,高達30-66%仍持續的有上肢動作功能缺損。然而適當的動作訓練介入,可讓慢性中風偏癱個案的動作能力有所改善。動作能力的改善取決於訓練中所給的回饋型式。所得到的結論相較於控制組,KP組則在動作表現(關節活動)有明顯改善,而KR組在動作結果(準確度)有明顯改善,且所有改善在介入後一個月仍亦持續著。理論上,在Shumway-Cook and Woollacott(2006)在其回顧型文獻彙整300個隨機控制實驗中,發現改善臨床上動作表現的兩項關鍵因素:訓練強度及訓練活動的特異性。但是在神經生理研究顯示上,重覆的動作活動可奠定重新獲得動作能力的基礎。除了「練習」是關鍵,另一項關鍵是提供個案的回饋形式。

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The aim of this study was to compare the effect of the interventions of different exercise models on tendon recovery. Method: SD male rats (n=18) with 200-250 g at 8-week were the experimental animal in this study. There were three different exercise groups, control (C), running (R), and swimming (S), respectively. Each group had six rats, which their Achilles tendons of right legs were cut off. The exercise intervened after the 5th day of injury. The evaluation of Achilles Functional Index (AFI) was carried on at the second, 5th, 7th, 14th, and 28th day of the operation. After histochemistry stain, collagen arrangement and growth were observed by polarized light microscope in the 7th and 28th days. The running model in this study was once each day, 15 minutes each time, at the speed of 4 meters / minute for the first two days, the speed was increased to 12 meters / min after the first 2 day (See et al. 2004). In swimming, six rats swam at the same time, 15 minutes each time, once time a day, and their tails was free of weight (楊昌斌, 2002). The control group did not do either running or swimming. Results: The values of AFI were -3.76±13.68, -14.23±12.01, and -12.2±10.67 for C, R, and S, respectively and it was no significant difference among three groups (p=.272). Collagen growth: 1. Collagen arrangement: (1) The R group showed worse connection between new and old tissues in the 7th day. (2) In 28th day, new collagen arrangement was tidier in both R and S groups. (3) In 28th day, a microscopic crimp structure was found in the R group and its growth was similar to normal tendon tissue. Neither S nor C did show this phenomenon. As a result, running probably makes injury tendon with better cushion capability. 2. Collagen proliferation: In 7th day, the collagen ratio of type III to I were 0.92±0.26, 0.83±0.18, and 0.99±0.27 for C, R, and S, respectively. There were no significant differences among them (p>.05). In 28th day, the same ratio did not show significant differences. However, the smaller trend of this ratio was found in the C group. Conclusion: Exercise should be intervened after the 5th day of Achilles injury, because exercise could enhance tidier arrangement in collagen. In addition, swimming should be the first option in order to avoid worse arrangement and connection between new and old tissues. However, a microscopic crimp structure was found in the R group and it made recovered-tissue close to normal tissue. Consequently, the research with respect to the time of running intervention after injury is warranted.

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