
大專體育學術專刊/Archives of University Education and Sports



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本研究目的為比較並探討海峽兩岸16-18歲羽球運動員身體的機能素質之特徵及差異,受試者為國內高中、中國國家青年隊及中國省、市隊中同齡(16-18歲)之羽球選手(男119名、女100名,共計219名),施予下肢5秒峰值功率、下肢30秒平均功率、立定跳遠、垂直跳、20公尺折返跑、1分鐘跳繩(一跳二迴旋)、專項羽球步法等七項測驗。所得結果分別經獨立樣本t-test及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)進行統計分析,考驗顯著水準定為α=.05。結果顯示中國整體選手的機能素質均優於台灣運動員,台灣的優秀組不僅與中國優秀組有相當大的落差,與中國一般組在運動素質方面的表現亦有明顯落差。建議:一、國內教練在訓練內容與方法應思考能否更貼近羽球運動的專項特性及運動員們的積極性及拼博的精神是否充分的發揮;二、相關單位應多從事其他地區或國家有關訓練方面資訊的蒐集,並能主動提供給國內的教練們作為參考。

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The purpose of this research was to probe into the relationship between response time and hand-eye coordination response of junior high school fencing players. The test subjects are the top 8 ranking players (34 players in total) in The Individual Category of the 2007 National Junior High School Fencing Tournament. The research tools include New Test Reactant, human target, Chen's hand-eye coordinator, etc., for testing purposes. The data obtained was then processed and analyzed using SPSS for windows 12.0. Independent Samples t-Test was conducted to compare differences in simple reaction time, choice reaction time, and hand-eye coordination between the superior group and regular group. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was adopted to analyze the correlation among the simple reaction time, choice reaction time, and hand-eye coordination reaction. Result findings show that the fencing players' simple reaction time, choice reaction time, and hand-eye choice reaction were shorter than regular players and the results have reached significant standards (p<.05). The superior group's no. of years in fencing is also longer than the significant standard (p<.05) of the regular group. In terms of the basic locomotive competence, no significant difference was observed. The locomotive performance, simple reaction time, choice reaction time, and hand-eye coordination choice reaction have reached medium and positive correlation. Thus, it is concluded that the choice reaction time and hand-eye coordination competence of junior high school students play important roles in P. E. performance.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sprint performance on rugby players after two weeks training using the passive repeated isokinetic machine (PRI). Method: Twenty male rugby players with a mean age of 15.10 ± 1.45 yrs, mean height of 168.55 ± 6.70 cm, and mean mass of 66.05 ± 15.13 Kg were recruited for this study. They were equally assigned to a control group or PRI group. The 30 m sprint was used to assess each player then each player was assigned accordingly. During the 2-week investigation no special training was used just their normal training regimen. Additionally, the PRI group performed PRI training before their normal regimen. The PRI group protocol consisted of 3x2x30 s (60-70-80-90 RPM) four times per week. Pre and post tests were performed identically the same way. Test parameters including 30m sprint (0-10 m, 10-20 m, 20-30 m, and 0-30 m). Result: In comparison of the 0-10 m, 10-20 m, 20-30 m, and 0-30 m results indicated no significance (p>.05) between the pre and post test of two groups. Conclusion: From this investigation results indicate that 30 m sprint performances did not improve after Four weeks of training when use the PRI training machine.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of strength performance on lower extremities and muscle energy metabolism in rugby players following two weeks training using the passive repeated isokinetic machine (PRI). Method: Ten male rugby players (15.3±1.06 yrs, height=172.4±4.9 cm and mass=74.7±14.4 Kg) were recruited for this study. During a 2-week investigation PRI training was performed before rugby training. The PRI training protocol consisted of 3x2x30s (60-70 RPM) four times per week. A pre test was performed to determine baselines; following 2 weeks PRI training post tests were performed. Testing parameters included CMJ and muscle energy metabolism blood lactate and NH3. Results: CMJ results indicated no significance (p>.05) between pre and post test. NH3 results indicated significance -15.00 μmol/l (p>.05) between pre and post test. Also blood lactate results indicated significance +0.65mmol/l (p>.05) between pre and post test. Conclusion: From this investigation results indicated that CMJ performance did not improve after two weeks of training with the PRI training machine. This phenomenon was possibly related to the short duration period the muscles had to adapt to the training protocol. However, energy metabolism results were positively affected in relation to protein and carbohydrate turnover.

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排球比賽中最先接觸到球的動作就是接球動作,因此防守在排球比賽中是相當重要的技術,好的防守能夠將對方強而有力的扣球守起,增加比賽中攻防轉換的流暢性。本研究透過高速攝影分析(250 Hz)比較在排球防守過程中,優秀選手與乙組選手的接球動作中有何差異,歸納出相關的基礎理論(SSC、RT和MT),並導入對排球防守動作的應用。研究結果中發現選手在接球過程中都有明顯的騰空開跳步動作,表示下肢肌群能透過牽張縮短的循環機制,讓肌肉產生爆發力量去應付瞬間的移位動作。另外,優秀選手防守動作明顯比乙組選手更能掌握規律與流暢性。本研究建議球被攻擊手擊出後,飛行的時間短、球速快,防守者才開始『反應-接球』的動作模式相當不容易,就算完成,動作的效果(移位速度)也不大,必須要掌握擊球節奏、『預先』開始防守動作。而騰空開跳步動作出現時機若太早或太慢會造成離心轉向心收縮之間的延遲或動作不完全,無法產生有效的爆發力量應付瞬間動作。有效掌握動作的規律及協調性,是訓練中最容易被疏忽的關鍵,建議訓練工作者能夠指導球員學習判斷攻擊手擊球動作與時機,爭取接球時間以利達到最佳動作表現。

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本研究目的在探討大專男子籃球選手三分線投籃動作之生物力學特性分析,了解三分線投籃動作,就投籃動作之生物力學特性所產生的變化來加以解釋。本實驗方法是使用高速攝影機及Kistler測力板來記錄5位大專男子籃球選手投籃過程,再以Simi Motion動作分析軟體、BioWare生物力學分析軟體來分析收集的資料,結果發現:一、運動學方面-球將離手時球速的加速度變化大,表示所受外力增加迅速。手腕加速度變化也很多,手肘的加速度較手腕的小,肩膀的加速度最小。因此,球受到手腕的影響最大。二、運動力學方面-我們可以發現5位受試者三分線投籃起跳時的前後、左右及上下作力相差不大,總作用力分別為:前後約為體重的0.2749倍、左右約為體重的0.1379倍及上下約為體重的2.1247倍。總體而言,投籃時,下肢必須承受超過本身體重兩倍的外力。所以,加強訓練下肢力量是必要的。三、生物力學特性分析。綜合一、二分析可知跳投時,下肢先與地板有交互作用,而後,此反作用力傳至身體軀幹,藉由肩膀的加速度表現出來。肩膀上升時,手部肌肉將手肘抬起。最後,球將離手,手腕再加速將球投出,完成投籃動作。