
The 1st CHINA-ASEAN International Conference 2019: Insight to Chinese and ASEAN’s Experience and Adaptation

Dhurakij Pundit University,正常發行


  • 會議論文

This study aims to explore the effect of corporate green strategy (CGS) practiced by the firm on the corporate green performance (CGP) and competitive advantage (CA) under the request of the green institutional factor. High-technology manufacturing firms in Taiwan were selected as subjects, and stepwise regression analysis was used for the analysis of the effect of CGS on CGP and CA. This study derived the following contributions and strategic suggestions from the analyzed data and empirical analysis results: (1) corporate green assets (CGA) and corporate green technology (CGT) are the main factors that can be used by firms to obtain the green CA. (2) The direct effect of a CGS on CGA, CGT, CGP, and CA can be proven. Furthermore, the mediating effect of CGA and CGT in influencing CGS on the CGP and CA can be defined. (3) Firms should use the corporate environmental responsibility (CER) conceptual framework built by Yu and Chen [1] to promote green CA, and firms should examine and classify CER performance with partners according to the performance measurement indicators built by Chen et al. [2]. (4) Governments should design regulations for CER and provide resources to help firms obtain CGA and CGT.

  • 會議論文

The objective of this research was to develop a theoretical model for supplier selection for a specific set of procurement requirements. These requirements come from the maintenance department of a petrochemical company in Thailand, which was used as the case study. The model was developed from a review of the literature on supplier selection, including questions such as outsourcing problems, a review of existing supplier selection models, and identification of factors that have an effect on successful supplier selection. The model developed incorporates six supplier characteristics that potentially affect supplier development, including cost, time, quality, reliability, flexibility, and human resources. Other factors that affect supplier selection include internal conditions (company policies) and external conditions (supplier competition and the external macro-environment). These factors are incorporated into a performance model for successful supplier selection.

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The promotion of the arts and cultural performances has reached significant progress for the county and city governments in recent years. Based on the cultural and artistic characteristics of different regions, several activities including policy formulation, the construction of venues, the promotion and marketing the art groups or performers, and even the establishment of an art village or specific cultural area has gradually fulfilled Taiwan's local characteristics. However, according to the previous research, the Chinese market has considerable potential for cultural consumption no matter for the hardware and software section, and the actual consumption of the cultural industry market shows that the entire cultural market still has much space for improvement. Under the influence of the global economic downturn in recent years, the arts performing market is more likely to face the infliction of the box office. How to open up the market through the innovation and the change of marketing strategies is more important for the art performing groups to pursue the future development and sustainability. The study took the "G2 Drum Art" as a case and explore how this performance use innovation ambidexterity to promote the ticket sales in a short period and to attract potential customers from both middle-level and lower-level customers. Promoting the performance itself not only can support the group but also build the brand value of the group. The interaction of sub-culture and arts can ultimately maintain the unique and stability for the art performing groups.

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Looking at the Taiwanese sports business, we are still in the beginnings. Local sports focusing on team competition and promotion of the activity itself rather than economic points of view. The lack of a national strategy, sport environment promotion and aligned resource management leads to bad results in international competition like the Olympic Games, International events like the World Games 2009 in Kaohsiung, the Deaflympics in Taipei and the upcoming Summer Universiade in 2017, have a huge impact on the Taiwanese sports sector and also make the Taiwanese people feel very proud about hosting such events in their country. Looking towards the U.S.A we can see that large stadiums can be a success with the right design, planning and management methodologies. Therefore, this study is about large stadiums in the U.S.A. Reviewing their development and experience in sport business and management while also focusing on the integration of business in the existing sport environment is defining the goal of this research.

  • 會議論文
Cheng-Jui Tseng Tzu-Chia Chen RunZong Yu 以及其他 1 位作者

This study investigates the influence of surface acting and deep acting of emotional labor on service adaptability and the additional interference effect induced by environmental creativity and job standardization. In this study, the frontline service personnel of Taiwan's hotel industry were selected as the target for receiving survey questionnaires. Study results show that higher degree of surface acting for the personnel will lead to lower service adaptability. Conversely, higher degree of deep acting for the personnel will lead to higher the service adaptability.

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Diversified consumption habits, credit cards have become the most common payment tools for consumers. This paper attempts to explore whether customers are satisfied with the quality of card-issuing services, customer loyalty and marketing strategies, and whether it affects the ratio of card-issuing banks in the credit card market. This study mainly takes Likert scale and literature theory as the basis of questionnaire structure,and uses the chi-square test to verify the correlation between the various facets. The empirical results show that if the issuing bank can provide good professional services, service attitude and timely provide services that meet customer needs, Will increase the customer's loyalty to the issuing bank, and thus increase the market share of the issuing bank; if the issuing bank can increase the credit card equity or consumer feedback incentives, it will help to improve customer loyalty and service quality satisfaction and encourage customers to spontaneously Sexually recommend others to use, continue to use or refer to other commodity services of the issuing bank, thus increasing the market share of the issuing bank, and researching and inferring that when the customer is satisfied with the various services of the credit card, the discussion hypothesis that the market share of the issuing bank is raised is established.

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This research paper examines various mechanisms and characteristics of political economy theory within the Thai media landscape, with specific focus on the case of Channel 7. The formal owner of this broadcasting station, the Royal Thai Army, leased out a long-term license over a period from 1957-2020 to Bangkok Broadcasting Television Company, which is mainly owned by the Ratanarak family group, belonging to the traditional "Old money family businesses" with Chinese descent. For assessing the involvement and impact of the political economy theory in this case study, several key strategies and processes such as marketisation, liberalisation, integration, diversification and internationalisation are tested.

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The concept of new retail is driven by big data. With the development of new technologies and the upgrading of user experience, the retail industry has been transformed. In particular, unattended convenience stores have developed into a new trend in the future. Many countries have gradually tried and developed them extensively. This study intends to develop a questionnaire exploring the key elements of consumers' demand for unattended convenience stores, in order to provide a valued reference for the development of unattended convenience stores in Thailand. Therefore, this study uses the technology acceptance model and the information success model to develop research dimensions and question items and then integrates the fuzzy Delphi FDM method, the two-dimensional quality model Kano, the refined Kano and the importance-satisfaction model (IS Model) to analyze the key factors of the attribute classification and importance priority of consumers' demand for unattended convenience stores, so that it provides a reference for the development of unattended convenience stores in Thailand.

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Research on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been broadly studied across many different industries. More and more organizations have started paying more attention on CSR when it has bought significant impacts on society, economy and environment. This study aims to investigate the impact of Chinese students choosing an oversea university through the implementation of CSR activities toward to brand preference and also the impact of perceived brand quality on Chinese students towards to brand preference. The results from PLS regression analysis found that CSR to environment, CSR to society and CSR to stakeholder are positively related to brand preference and CSR to environment and CSR to society are positively supported perceived brand quality, except CSR to stakeholder is not significantly related to perceived brand quality. These findings suggest that when Chinese students choosing an oversea university with Chinse study program, they focus on the activities that a university implements on environment and society more than the fact of stakeholder.

  • 會議論文

This study addresses the questions of how managers and subordinates perceive the development of conflict in workplace. Using qualitative methodology, a total of twenty Hong Kong Chinese and Thais provided their perceptions of conflict through semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The findings showed a relationship between cultural values and views of conflict. Values of a person can be a factor which influences a person's view on conflict. The common view of conflict as inevitable and constructive facilitated a favourable environment and atmosphere in the workplace where both the Hong Kong Chinese and Thais had positive view on conflict resolution.