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品質與效率學刊/Journal of Quality and Efficiency


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Defect inspection and classification are an essential part of the manufacturing process in the industry. Many machine learning methods have been applied in the actual production process in recent years. This study discusses the potential benefits of employing a hybrid convolutional neural network-support vector machine (CNN-SVM) combined with transfer learning, squared hinge loss (L2 loss), and pre-trained weights for defect classification. A three-phase procedure is proposed that includes data preprocessing, training of multiple differently configured models, a performance evaluation, and selection of the optimal model. A light-emitting diode (LED) lead frame dataset obtained from a real-world application is used to evaluate the scheme. It is found that the proposed system increases the classification accuracy by up to 18.03% compared to similar models, while reducing the training time by at least half. Therefore, this study suggests selecting ResNet50-V2 with pre-trained weights, a custom output fully connected layer, and L2 loss as the optimal base model to construct an automatic defect classification system for the LED lead frame problem. In particular, this study focuses on the comparative evaluation of the performance of different transfer learning approaches. The proposed method is a low-cost and efficient solution that can be effectively used for defect classification in the industry.

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Laney 𝑝′管制圖是一種新的計數型管制圖,可應用於製程具有過度散布(overdispersion)或者散布不足(underdispersion)之情況。本研究利用模擬的方式,探討Laney 𝑝′管制圖在參數是估計之情況之下,評估其偵測製程異常之能力。本研究利用平均連串長度(average run length, ARL)之平均數(AARL)和標準差(SDARL),評估Laney 𝑝′管制圖之績效。研究成果可供實務界參考。

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