
教練科學/Coaching Science

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競技跳水運動分為跳板跳水及跳台跳水兩大項,從這兩頂可區分出六大類與數百個動作,做為運動員競賽之用,但因其競賽項目並不多,想要取得獎牌並不容易。奠定紮實的技術訓練,是獲取獎牌的不二法門,而其中又以「起跳技街」為獲取優異成績之重要關鍵。「起跳」之重要性在於有好的起跳高度,才有足夠時間進行翻騰及看目標入水,且若起跳角度掌握得好,才能擁有適當的入水距離,並避免搬板,撞板或撞台等意外之發生。 因此本文擬以跳水動作的關鍵-「起跳」技術做為探討對象,其內容包含了跳板起跳及跳台起跳之技術分析、起跳種類和平時訓練常用的專有術語之介紹,冀望藉本文讓從事跳水運動者能建立正確的起跳技術觀念,進而獲得在技術上之提昇。

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本研究主要在探討足球比賽中勝隊與敗隊在攻守轉換因素之差異。分析的對象為2002年世界盃足球賽中的28場次。自年代電視錄製比賽過程,利用錄影帶再生觀看,記錄所有變數的次數。經卡方考驗獲得以下結論: 一、被搶、被截、被擋、犯規等變數,在勝隊與敗隊約達顯著差異。 二、勝隊在防守方面(被搶、被截、被擋)比敗隊突出。 三、勝隊在一對一逼搶上比敗隊表現佳。 四、勝隊在攔截戰術的使用上比敗隊優異。 五、勝隊在敗隊射門時阻擋球的飛行路線亦較敗隊好。 六、勝隊在犯規上較敗隊少,顯示自由球的機會較敗隊多。

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本研究旨在探討我國各級學校排球教練之領導行為,並瞭解不同背景變項的排球選手,對教練領導行為今知覺程度之差異。以我國各級學校791名排球選手為研究對象,探自編之「運動教練領導行為量表」為研究工具進行調查。所獲得之資料,經單因子多變項變異數分析(one-way MANOVA)及薛費氏檢定法(Scheff's mehtod)等統計方法處理,結果發現: 一、不同背景變項的排球選手對教練領導行為的知覺程度,性別、年齡、組別、血型、訓練年數、練習天數等變項在各不同的行為向度均呈顯著差異,最高成就變項未達顯著水準。 二、男選手、年齡層低的選手對教練的「訓練與指導行為」有較高的知覺程度。 三、各行為向度之知覺程度,以「團隊行為」最高,「訓練與指導行為」次之,「專制行為」最低。

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The aim of this study was to examine the support of college and university toward volleyball team players on different genders, student-athletes and nonstudent-athletes. Using ”Support to Collegiate Volleyball Team Scale” as instrument The scale included four factors ”advance to a higher education and occupation and health assistance,” ”to add facilities and to supply board,” ”competition funding and rewarding” and ”related regulations and teacher support” Subjects were the college students taking part in 2002 University Volleyball League tournament. A total of 360 questionnaires were distributed. By discarding the incomplete responses, 259 questionnaires were valid responded corresponding with a 72% of effective response. Based on the results of this study, the following suggestions and guidance were provided to volleyball coaches of university and college and sport related organizations. Data were analyzed by t-test analysis and the results were derived as following: 1. There was significant difference between gender groups on ”advance to a higher education and occupation and health assistance”, competition funding and rewarding”, ”to add facilities and to supply board” and ”related regulations and teacher support” (p<.05). 2 There was significant difference between public and private school players on ”to add facilities and to supply board” (p<.05). 3 There was no significant difference between student-athletes and nonstudent-athletes on ”advance to higher education and occupation and health assistance” ”competition funding and rewarding”, ”to add facilities and to supply board” and ”related regulations and teacher support” 4. Theme was significant difference between gender groups on college and university's support to volleyball team (p<.05) 5 There was significant difference between public and private school players on college and university s support to volleyball team (p<.05). 6. There was .no significant difference between student-athletes and non-student-athletes on college and university's support volleyball team.

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本研究之主要目的為瞭解2002年世界盃男子競技體操第Ⅲ競賽六個項目裁判員間評審分數之凖確性,藉以提國內競技體操裁判員、教練與選手參考,並作為往後訓練或比賽之應用。本研究是以參加2002年世界盃男子競技體操第Ⅲ競賽之B組各36位裁判員為研究對象,針對裁判員原始評分資料以肯德爾和諧系數(Kendall coefficient of concordance)、相依樣本單因子變異數(ANOVA)及皮爾遜(K. pearson)積差相關進行統計分析,所得結論為: 一、跳馬項目裁判員評分具有客觀一致性,且能有效評定出參賽選手優劣,準確性極高。 二、地板、鞍馬、吊環、雙槓、單槓等,五個項目裁判員評分雖然具有客觀一致性,但卻無法有效分辨出參賽選手好壞,凖確性較低。

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每四年修改條文的國際籃球規則,目前採用的是2000-2004年國條籃球規則,但是在2003年10月1日起,國際籃球總會通令全球各籃球會員國配合實施三個修訂主要條文,其內容重點分別是:第21條跳球、第27條暫停、第39條24秒。由於這三個主要條文的修訂,連帶一些條文也有局部的文字修訂,但是影響最大的是一跳球、暫停、24秒的計算,因為它直接影響比賽節奏,同時對於籃球戰術的運用也有重大改變。 國際比賽在2003年8月美洲區的汎美盃男子籃球賽已經實施新修訂的條文,接著9月份的歐洲盃男子籃球賽也跟進實施。國內比賽則由苗栗市體育會籃球委員會承辨的中華民國92年全省中正盃籃球賽率先啟用,賽前召開過多次規則研討會,因此整個比賽節奏相當順利,裁判員、球員、教練很快進入狀況,沒有發生爭議性問題。 從全省中正盃籃球賽採用新修訂條文執行來看,最明顯變化的是跳球部分,由於縮短了第二、四節跳球以及比賽過程中的跳球,相對的比賽時間不致出現延誤現象,同時加上裁判法要求後場的攻守犯規,前場的進攻犯規,裁判不用交換位置,因此一場安排70分鐘的比賽時間,均能準時進行,而且整個比賽節奏加快,觀眾也能欣賞比較流暢的比賽,這是新修訂規則條文最明顯的改變。

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The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationship between college degree and career achievement in professional baseball players and coaches in Taiwan The entire population of the professional baseball players in Taiwan was included for the study. We documented the annul salary, years of professional experience, years of training duration, college degree, and age for all baseball players from the professional baseball leagues in Taiwan. The survey was conducted by directing coaches of the team where the name of the player was remained confidential. We found significant association between annul-salary and college degree. A significant correlation between annul-salary and years of professional experience was found as expected (r=0.45, P<0.05), indicating a high multicolinearity between both variables; However, when both population was separated by educational status, the proportionality between annul-salary and years of professional experience only occurred in the population with college-degree, but not for the rest. Altitude toward perspective professional career was, however, was negatively related to the college degree, and annul-salary. No association was found between years of baseball training (including in school and after joining professional team) and annul salary. In conclusion, the main finding of the study was that in college graduate annul-salary is proportional to the years of professional experience, but same relationship was not significant for the rest of subjects. In addition, lack of confidence or insecurity toward future might be the main driving force for the subject pursuing college degree and thus devoting intensely in professional sports.