  • 期刊


Correlation between Job Characteristics and Occupational Fatigue in Nurses


背景 護理人員職業疲勞不但會影響護理人員健康,也會嚴重威脅病人安全。雖過去研究已證實工作特質是職業疲勞的重要影響因素,但大陸尚無探討此二者間之相關性研究。目的 瞭解醫院護理人員工作特質、職業疲勞狀況,以及二者間之相關性。方法 採橫斷式研究設計,透過系統抽樣選取成都市綜合醫院住院部護理人員923名為研究對象。研究工具為職業疲勞恢復量表與工作內容量表。資料以百分比、平均數、獨立樣本t檢驗、卡方檢驗、Pearson相關分析及多元回歸分析進行統計分析。結果 護理人員急性、慢性疲勞程度較重,平均分數分別為60.30 ± 22.02、46.44 ± 23.33;工作特質各變項與護理人員職業疲勞呈顯著相關性;工作控制、工作要求及每月夜班天數是護理人員急性疲勞和慢性疲勞的共同預測因子。結論/實務應用 研究結果有助於護理管理者了解護理人員職業疲勞之現況,作為建置改善策略之依據。因護理人員個人特質及自覺的工作控制、工作要求等差異,故制定有效的管理策略須有個別性;如此才能引導護理人員思考工作相關疲勞產生的因素,學會積極應對,以降低其疲勞程度。


Background: Occupational fatigue in nurses has earned much attention in recent years. This phenomenon affects the health of nurses and threatens the safety of patients. However, few studies have reported on the correlation between job characteristics and occupational fatigue in China. Purpose: The present study describes the nursing job characteristics and nursing occupational fatigue situation at general hospitals in Chengdu in China and explores the correlations between job characteristics and occupational fatigue. Method: A cross-sectional descriptive correlation design with systematic sampling was used to recruit 923 nurses from general hospitals in Chengdu. The structural questionnaires used in this study included a personal datasheet, Occupational Fatigue Exhaustion Recovery Scale (OFER), and Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ). Mean, percentage, independent t test, Chi-square test, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to analyze data. Result: Nurses' acute fatigue level and chronic fatigue level were high, with average scores of 60.30 ± 22.02 and 46.44±23.33, respectively. All dimensions (with the exception of colleague support) correlated significantly with job characteristics and occupational fatigue. Job control, job demand, and amount of shiftwork were important predictors of both acute fatigue and chronic fatigue. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The results of the study may help the managers better understand the current situation of nurses' occupational fatigue and formulate effective measures that consider the individual characteristics of nurses and the differences in perceived job control and job demand. Furthermore, the results may help nurses better assess the causes of their work-related fatigue and facilitate coping measures in order to reduce acute and chronic fatigue.


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