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Wild Cosmopolitan Gardens: Some Notes towards a Cosmopolitan Sense of Place



對不少批評家而言,地方意識對於達成全球環境認知是非常重要的。但是傳統上地方意識根基於出生地,浸潤了在地價值,在全球化的世界裡,要如何去發展這種地方意識?許多現代及後現代的主體已無法確認出生地,而文化批評家正是把沒有地方(placelessness)或者非地方(non-places)的問題視為當代社會的特色。但是如果我們不關懷地方,我們又怎能關懷我們的家,地球?薇爾布蘭伍(Val Plumwood)思索著地方敏感社會(place-sensitive society)的特色,烏蘇拉海瑟(Ursula Heise)倡議星球意識,發展出她所謂的生態大都會主義。本文討論當代大都會主體涉及地方意識時的困境。對於一個大都會人可能怎麼看待地方及顯現地方敏感,我設定四個可能的特色,用一系列大都會作家的文本加以解釋。本文雖為未竟之作,卻提供一個可能的起點,允許一個大都會地方意識的未來表述。


For many critics, a sense of place is crucial in order to achieve a global environmental awareness. Yet in a globalized world, how do we develop that sense of place, which traditionally was rooted in a home place imbued with local values? Many modern and postmodern subjects can no longer identify a home place, and cultural critics are precisely addressing issues of placelessness or non-places as a characteristic of contemporary society. Yet if we do not care about place, how can we care about our home, the earth? Val Plumwood speculates on the characteristics of a place-sensitive society, and Ursula Heise argues in favor of a sense of planet, developing what she calls eco-cosmopolitanism. This article addresses the dilemma of the contemporary cosmopolitan subject with regard to a sense of place. I posit four possible characteristics of how a cosmopolitan might perceive place and show place sensitivity, illustrating them with a series of texts written by cosmopolitan writers. While still a work in progress, the article suggests a possible starting place which might allow for a future formulation of a cosmopolitan sense of place.


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