  • 期刊

Emerging Educators from Community-Based Nonprofit Organization



本研究主要目的在於闡明社區非營利組織成員學習轉變成教育者的過程與成果。有些成員能經由參與組織所提供有關文化及自然資源的教育活動,學習有成,轉變成教育者。異於一般的成員,這些能轉變成教育者是他(她)們對其組識有很強的使命感及認同感,能夠盡其所學教導其他人。 本研究之理論探討在於闡明學習過程與社區生活經驗的關係,生活經驗和學習發展成果可解釋為學習過程及其成果。學習發展成果本研究以轉換性學習的重點說明,而生活經驗則涵蓋三個面向:個人成長、社區關懷及服務他人。本研究鑑定轉換性學習包含五個學習層次:深思行動、反省、內容反思、過程反思及前題反思,後三個層次具反思性學習而前二者則具非反思性學習。非營利組識成員轉變成教育者的關鍵點在於是否能夠對不同層面生活經驗具有反思性學習。 本研究闡明非營利組識成員如何對各種不同層面的生活經驗有各種不同的反思性學習而轉變成教育者。本研究以兩個非營利組識(彰化野鳥協會及臺灣歌仔戲協會)的成員作為搜集學習歷程的資料來源。


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how certain members of community-based nonprofit organizations emerged as educators from participating in educational activities associated with culture and natural resources. These educators differ from other from members by applying their knowledge and skill to teach others and their strong commitment and belief in the cause of their organizations. A number of literatures were used to illustrate the relationship between learning process and community life experiences. Life experiences and developmental outcomes were used to interpret the learning process and its results. The developmental outcomes are represented by certain key components of transformative learning, and life experiences refer to personal growth, community cares, and service for others. This study identifies five learning levels toward transformative learning, i.e., thoughtful action, introspection, content reflection, process reflection and premise reflection. The latter three levels are reflective learning and the first two levels are non-reflective learning. The key point that the members could become teachers is that they reflect on the life experiences. This study shows evidence that how members reflect on various perspectives of the life experiences and become teachers. Two local non-profit organizations, i.e., The Wild Bird Association in Chang-Hua and the Taiwanese Opera Association of Taipei were chosen to collect data from their members.
