  • 期刊


The Composition of Non-Methane Hydro-Carbon and the Surface Ozone Production




臭氧生成 NMHC組成


This paper intends to find out the composition of non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) in the early morning (6-9am) in Taipei, and to study the effect of NMHC composition on the surface ozone production. The observational data collected by the research group in the National Tsin-Hwa University has been thoroughly analyzed and re-organized to produce the Taipei composition. By using a box chemical model, we have then compared the noontime ozone amount simulated with different initial NMHC composition, i.e. the Taipei, or Los Angeles (LA) or ADMP (Acid Deposition Modeling Program) composition. Since there are more trans-2-butene in the Taipei composition, its reactivity is about 1.6 times that of LA, and 2.8 times that of ADMP. Our results suggest that the ozone productivity is positively correlated to the reactivity of NMHC composition. Since the model that used in this study does not allow vertical diffusion, horizontal advection and continuous input of pollutants. The simulated result differs a little from the observed value.This research is very primitive and needs further pursued. We hope that more studies will be done in the future to analyze the anthropogenic and natural emitted NMHC and to determine more precisely the ratio of NMHC/NOx. In this paper, we have also analyzed the effect of abundant water vapor on the productivity of ozone. The results show that a maximum of 10% enhancement by a change of 30% to 70% relative humidity. Such enhancement is actually not significant at all in a highly polluted area. In the future, we will study the effect of UV depletion caused by the aerosol backscattering on the surface ozone.


Ozone Production NMHC composition
