  • 期刊


Analytical Methods for the Determination of Olaquindox and Ormetoprim Residues in Port and Chicken Tissues


動物用藥歐來金得與歐美德普目前雖未訂定殘留標準,但使用卻極為廣泛,故急須了解目前之殘留現況並建立富產品中錢留量檢驗方法,同時進行市售品之殘留量分析,以供訂定殘留標準之參考。經探討各種分析條件後,建立了以高效液相層析法檢測歐來金得的方法,豬肉及其內臟以乙腈萃取,萃取液蒸乾後,殘留物以氧化鋁管淨化,經高效液相層析管戶μ-Bondapak C18分離,於紫外光356nm波長檢測之。在豬肉、豬肝、豬腎中分別添加0.05, 0.1, 0.2μg/g檢體濃度之歐來金得作回收試驗。其回收率豬肉為78.5, 76.0及82.3%,豬肝為78.2, 73.2及81.0%,豬腎為83.9, 78.9及74.6%。最低檢出量為0.01μg/g。歐美德普亦以高效液相層析法為檢測法,雞肉、雞肝、雞蛋以氫氧四丁銨、pH10之0.05M碳酸鉀。硼酸鉀緩衝溶液及氫氧化鈉處理後,再以二氣甲烷萃取,經高效液相層析管μ-Porasil分離,於紫外光288nm波長檢測之。在雞肉中分別添加0.4, 0.8, 4.0μ/g檢體濃度之歐美德普作回收試驗,其回收率為102.4, 97.9及96.0%;於雞肝中分別添加0.2, 0.4及2.0μg/g檢體濃度之歐美德普作回收試驗,其回收率為96.8, 94.4及101.1%;雞蛋中分別添加0.2, 0.4, 4.0μg/g檢體濃度之歐美德普作回收試驗,其回收率為91.0, 99.4及97.7%。最低檢出量為0.01μg/g。在市售品分析方面,在臺北市共採購豬肉、豬肝、豬腎檢體各50件,檢驗歐來金得結果均未檢出;歐美德普的分析也採購雞肉、雞肝、雞蛋檢體各50件,結果檢出歐美德普含量在0.01~0.22μg/g範圍。


A qualitative high pressure liquid chromatographic method was established for simultaneous determination of residues of olaquindox and ormetoprim in swine and chicken tissuse. The recoveries of olaquindox added to swine muscle, liver and kidney at levels of 0.05-0.2μg/g were in the ranges of 74.2-83.2%, 71.3~84.1%, 71.6-88.0%, respectively. The detection limit was 0.01μg/g. There coveries of ormetoprim added to chicken muscle at levels of 0.4-4.0μg/g were in the range of 91.0~103.8%. The recoveries of ormetoprim added to chicken liver at levels of 0.2~2.0μg/g were in the range of 90.2~105.6%. The recoveries of ormetoprim added to chicken egg at levels of 0.2~4.0μg/g were in the range of 85.9~102.2%. The detection limit was 0.01μg/g. Three hundred samples including swine muscle, liver, kidney and chicken muscle, liver and eggs were collected from markets in Taipei. No residues of olaquindox were found in 150 samples of swine muscle, liver and kidney. Seven sample of chicken liver were found to have ormetoprim residues at the range of 0.06~022μg/g. Five samples of egg were found to have ormetoprim residues in the range of 0.01~0.06μg/g.


