  • 期刊


Application of Time Domain Reflectometry Technology to Quantification of Reflected Waveforms on Coaxial Cables with Shear and Extension Tests


本文應用時域反射技術(TDR)於同軸電纜受剪動與拉伸作用下的變位量化之室內試驗,以簡化模擬埋設於地滑地之TDR系統所監測地層滑動的形式和變位量。本研究首先模擬雙重剪動面之同軸電纜受剪力作用時,其TDR反射訊號呈現V字效應並以積分面積法量化後,得到其面積與變形量之回歸方程式,其最大剪動量約60 mm,故可由量測TDR所擷取之反射係數面積經由回歸公式求得相對之剪動量。第二試驗為同軸電纜之拉伸作用,當同軸電纜破裂時,其TDR波形上顯示反射係數大幅上揚,最大拉伸量約40 mm。


This study applied Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology to quantify the deformation of coaxial cables with shear and extension in the laboratory by simulating the type and magnitude of cable deformation in a landslide. First, the test simulated two sliding planes by shear displacement in the laboratory with a TDR coaxial cable. Then, a TDR tester interrogated the reflected V-type waveforms of the cable. Subsequently, a quadratic regression established the relationship between reflection coefficient integrals and deformation magnitude. The maximum magnitude of a cable deformation by shearing was approximately 60 mm. Therefore, the changes of the cable's shear deformation can be determined using the regression equation. The second test was an extension with the TDR technology. The result of reflected waveforms illustrated a significant increase in the amplitude of reflection coefficient as the cable ruptured, and the maximum magnitude of the cable’s extension displacement was approximately 40 mm.


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