  • 期刊


Studies on Twin-Scaling of Hippeastrum hybridum Hort. In Vitro.


本研究目的在探討孤挺花雙鱗片組織培養繁殖之生產過程及方式,試驗採用孤挺花「Red Lion」品種三年生鱗莖,周徑20~22 cm,鱗莖經消毒後於無菌操作台以米字形16分割切開後,切取雙鱗片約0.5 × 0.5 cm為試驗材料,試驗結果顯示:孤挺花雙鱗片組織培養繁殖時,種球的消毒以50℃熱水處理90分鐘或55℃熱水處理45分鐘以上,可降低污染率至10%以下,且不影響小鱗莖形成。培養基蔗糖濃度以50 g/l處理可得到最多的小鱗莖,小鱗莖平均重則以30 g/l蔗糖處理最重。不同醣源比較以添加葡萄糖:果糖=15:15 g/l之處理,小鱗莖形成最多,單獨使用果糖30 g/l表現最差。在有光環境下,配合培養基加入活性碳3 g/l,可促進小鱗莖形成,且小鱗莖亦較重;培養基添加植物生長調節劑BA雖可促進小鱗莖形成,但對小鱗莖生長發育則沒有促進作用,BA濃度以不超過2.0 mg/l為宜,高濃度BA處理初期小鱗莖形成顯然有抑制現象,後期亦有不正常生長現象。


孤挺花 組織培養


In vitro tests with Hippeastrum, the bulbs of 3-year-old plants and with 20-22 cm circumference were cut into sixteen parts evenly (1/16) for scaling study. A significant decrease in contamination rate was observed by pasteurizing the bulbs at 50℃ hot-water for 90 minutes or 55℃ for 45 minutes. The greast bulblet number was fond in the sugar 50 g/l hot-treatment. In comparisons of sucrose sources, the largest number of bulblet formation was obtained in glucose : fructose = 15 g/l : 15 g/l treatment and the smallest was found in fructose 30 g/l only. It was revealed that Bulblet formation was promoted while activated carbon was added on the medium under the light conditions and the bulbs from treated plants was often heavier than the control set. BA supplement enhanced bulblet formation, however, bulblet growth and development was not promoted. Therefore, the BA concentration is better to remain below 2.0 mg/l when twin-scaling in vitro.


Amaryllis Tissue culture

