  • 期刊


The Investigation of Spatial Correlation between Soil Nickel Content and the Incidence of Oral Cancer


探討環境因子和疾病發生之間的關係在公共衛生研究上是項重要的議題。疾病群聚地圖廣泛地用來協助研究者解釋疾病的成因。台灣地區口腔癌發生率居高不下且增加速度居全部癌症之冠。過去研究均已證實嚼食檳榔和抽菸之人類不良健康行爲與口腔癌發生有闕,但就台灣地區來看,卻可能有另一項導致口腔癌的致病因子存在例如環境污染,且在口腔瘤發生的過程中同樣扮演著重要的角色。因此,本研究除了考慮嚼食檳榔及抽菸兩項致病因子外,還加入土壤重金屬含量之環境因子來解釋台灣地區口腔癌發生之現象,因爲土壤與人都是環境污染的承受髓。以全域型空間自相關分析(Moran's I)結果得知口腔癌發生率具有明顯的空間聚集特性,然後利用區域型空間聚集分析(LISA)發現口腔癌發生熱區聚集於台灣中部的彰化縣、雲林縣及東部的花蓮縣、台東縣。進一步探討環境因子與口腔癌發生率的關係,透過空間誤差迴歸模式分析結果顯示土壤重金屬鎳與口腔癌發生有顯著相闕,且能夠有效地解釋口腔癌發生的空間聚集現象。彰化縣農地土壤重金屬污染嚴重,同屬口腔癌發生之熱區。所以本研究再針對彰化縣進行更細部的探究,透過地理資訊系統(geographic information system, GIS)套疊土壤重金屬鎳含量與口腔癌病患居住地,套疊結果則更加佐證土填重金屬鎳含量與口腔癌發生之關係密切。


重金屬 口腔癌發生率 空間分析 LISA GIS


Investigating relationships between environmental factors and occurrences of diseases is an important topic in public health research. Generally, clustering maps of disease-specific rate often facilitates researchers to interpret causative relationship. Oral cancer is one of the fastest growing malignancies in Taiwan. The association between oral cancer and betel quid chewing (BQC) and cigarette smoking (CS) has clearly been demonstrated, but another etiologic factor such as anthropogenic pollution may play an important role in Taiwan. Therefore, in this study, we took the contents of soil heavy metals as another important environmental factor to explain the characteristic of oral cancer occurrence in Taiwan. The incidence of oral cancer was strongly clustered in space by means of the global spatial autocorrelation. Then using the local indicator of spatial association (LISA) further showed that the ”hot spots” of oral cancer were located in Changhua and Yunlin Counties of central Taiwan and Hualien and Taitung Counties of eastern Taiwan. The results of spatial error model revealed that there was significant correlation between soil nickel content and the incidence of oral cancer. In addition, Changhua County, one of the ”hot spots” of oral cancer in Taiwan, is suffering from serious soil heavy metal pollution, and was therefore taken for further investigation. After overlaying the kriging estimated values of soil nickel content and the positions in space of oral cancer patients, the results proved that the soil nickel content was closely related to the incidence of oral cancer.


陳韋如(2013)。以克利金法增進應變叢集土壤調查採樣之效率 -以桃園污染區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00661
