  • 期刊


A Study of "The Little Red Riding-hood"


〈小紅帽〉源自狼人吃人肉之血腥故事,後來轉為諷刺法國宮廷淫亂,告誡女性遠離色狼的法國民間故事,在格林兄弟之筆下才變成適合兒童閱讀的家庭童話。近百年來各學派如民俗學、人類學、社會學、心理分析、女性主義、兒童教育學等以各角度分析〈小紅帽〉。而近代說故事者、藝術家、漫畫家、電影製片者,更不約而同重新塑造小紅帽之形象,甚至將小紅帽塑造為一個殺狼取皮毛的英勇女性或夜總會之脫衣舞孃。這些各式各樣的塑形,究竟賦予何種意涵,本文將探索其究竟。 本文將以八個主題探索〈小紅帽〉題材塑形之變化,如:〈小紅帽〉的內容及其歷史演變、〈小紅帽〉與插圖、〈小紅帽〉與童話型態學、〈小紅帽〉與女性主義、〈小紅帽〉與政治議題、現代小紅帽、〈小紅帽〉與心理分析及中國、台灣、日本的〈小紅帽〉類型故事。期許此篇論文兼具學術價值與實用性,對格林童話研究奉獻一份心力。


The tale of ”The Little Red Riding-hood” was originally a bloody story of a man-eating werewolf. It was transformed into a folktale that warns women to be alert of leering men and a parody that pokes fun at the wanton manners of the French court. The Brothers Grimm revised the story into a fairy-tale that was suitable for children. For the past one hundred years or so, ”The Little Red Riding-hood” has been interpreted from almost all possible angles, including those of folklore, anthropology, sociology, psychoanalysis, and children's education. This article explores the story of the Little Red Riding-hood from eight different angles: The content and the historical transformations of ”The Little Red Riding-hood”, illustrations of ”The Little Red Riding-hood”, the typology of fairy-tales as reflected in ”The Little Red Riding-hood”, ”The Little Red Riding-hood” and feminism, ”The Little Red Riding-hood” and political themes, a modern interpretation of ”The Little Red Riding-hood”, ”The Little Red Riding-hood” and psychoanalysis, and, finally, the Taiwanese version and the Japanese version of the story of ”The Little Red Riding-hood”. In terms of both academic and practical concerns, the article should offer some insight into the research of the fairy-tales of the Brothers Grimm.


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