  • 期刊

Taxonomic Studies on the Genus "Arnebia" Forssk. (Boraginaceae) in India


The genus "Arnebia" Forssk. in India is taxonomically studied based on field surveys, collection of live plants, consultation of herbarium and literature. The genus is represented in India by 10 taxa including 8 species and 2 varieties "viz., Arnebia bhattacharyyae" K. Ambrish & S.K. Srivast., "A. benthamii" (Wall. ex G. Don) I.M. Johnst., "A. euchroma" ( Royle) I.M. Johnst., "A. guttata" Bunge, "A. hispidissima" (Sieber ex Lehm.) A.DC., "A. linearifolia" A.DC., "A. griffithii" Boiss., "A. nandadeviensis" K. Chandra Sek. & R.S. Rawal, "A. euchroma var. grandis" (Bornm.) Kazmi and "A. guttata" var. "thomsonii" (C.B. Clarke) Kazmi, distributed in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand in North-West Himalaya to Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan in India. Dichotomous keys to all the species in India along with taxonomic description, distribution, illustrations and images of most of the species including type and their economic importance are provided.


"Arnebia" Boraginaceae India Taxonomic Studies


Phan, T. T. (2016). 水稻體內及根圈域中之鐵載體合成細菌族群在不同土壤中培植之關聯性研究 [master's thesis, National Formosa University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-3006201610471300
