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Poa liuliangii and P. kengii (Poaceae), two new species from the Hengduan Mountains of southwest China


Two new species, Poa liuliangii and P. kengii, from the Hengduan Mountains (Sichuan province of southwest China) are described and illustrated. Detailed description and comparison tables are also provided. Poa liuliangii is similar to P. incerta and P. orinosa of the Poa versicolor aggregate (in accordance with a monotypic species concept), but differs from them in its more mesomorphic appearance (broader panicles, broader leaf blades, flag leaf blades longer than sheathes or equal) and pubescent rachillas. Poa kengii is similar to P. sphondylodes and P. faberi, but differs from them in its shorter ligules and glabrous lemma calluses.


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