  • 期刊


The Economic Value of Living and Ecology Function on the Farmland


農地休閒功能的發展是為突破農業經營瓶頸,促進農業轉型,增加農村就業機會,所開創的一種新的農業經營方式。它是結合農業生產、農民生活及農村生態三生一體的新產業。農地休閒遊憩功能,包含了農業經濟、社會、教育、環保、娛樂、遊憩、醫療及文化傳承等功能。其發展背景主要是基於農業結構的變遷、都市化社會出現、國民所得的提高、消費結構的改變、休閒需求的增加以及道路交通的改善等因素促成。休閒農業發展目標是為改善農業生產結構,活用及保育自然與文化資源,提供國民田園體驗機會,增加農村就業機會提高農家所得,以及促進農村整體發展。 農村類型與特徵攸關其經濟價值與發展方向,農地的經濟價值可突顯每宗農地的優勢與特色,以作為未來發展依據。台中縣為台灣重要的農業重鎮,區域內農地,擁有相當豐富的農業生產與休閒遊憩景觀資源。本研究將依據農地特徵與條件將台中縣農地區分成三種不同類型,進一步衡量各類型農地休閒遊憩功能之經濟價值。研究結果顯示,精緻農業型農地擁有最佳的生產條件,保有較完整農村景觀與文化特色,未來可朝向精緻專業的農業生產以及農村文化傳承方向發展。山村型農地保有豐富的生態教育資源與自然景觀,未來可發展為休閒娛樂農場、健康休閒步道或生態教育園區等。城市近郊型農地經營條件較差,無完整生態資源,亦無農村傳統文化教育環境,但擁有較佳的市場條件,且交通便利,未來可發展成農產品運銷中心。農地休閒遊憩功能之經濟價值多寡,顯示出該區域農業發展潛力與競爭力,更能定位出農地功能與特色,以作為未來農地發展依據。


Different type of farmland has its particular function and development. The information of economic value on farmland function presents the distinguishing feature, which could be regarded as the basis of future development. The research divides Tai-Chang farmland into suburbs, flats and hills types according to the farmland life, eco-character and agricultural management specialty so as to measure and analyze the economic value. The study indicates the flats type of farmland yields the best production advantages and also could reserve the landscape and traditional culture. Consequently, the future development of flats type of farmland could focus on the specialized production and simultaneously reserve the landscape and culture. The leisure grange and the eco-education park could be established with the advantages of the plentiful eco-resource in the hills type of farmland. The suburbs type of farmland, though with inferior condition, has better marketing advantages and could be developed as the agricultural commodities marketing center. The utilizing efficiency of the land also could be elevated as the liberation of the farmland policy in the future. The economic value of farmland life and eco-function should be in reward for the farmer’s earnings to conform to the social equity and justice. Thus, if every farmland is well formulated and developed, the farmers will acquire the deserved profit, the farmland resource will have better utilizing rate, and the economic efficiency and social equity will be taken into account as well.


