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大黑星龜金花蟲(Aspidomorpha miliaris (Fabricius))(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)生活史初步研究

Preliminary Studies of Life History of Tortoise Beetle, Aspidomorph miliaris (Faricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


本實驗於25°C的恒溫生長箱內以旋花科葉片餵食大黑星龜金花蟲(Aspidomorpha miliaris (Fabricius))進行生活史之探討。卵塊淡褐色產於葉背,由9-16層薄片組成,每層卵薄片內有2-4個卵,卵薄片是由雌成蟲副腺分泌而成。卵粒粉紅色,長卵形,卵長0.15cm,最寬處0.05cm。卵期10-17天,平均為13.3±1.6天,孵化率為84%。幼蟲期五齡,一、二齡幼蟲體淡黃色,體側有黑色棘毛,三至五齡幼蟲體色、棘毛和第二齡均極類似,僅在體型大小上呈現差異。一至五齡體長分別為0.12、0.26、0.37、0.57及0.74cm。發育所需時間分別為4.5、5.0、5.1、5.0及8.2天。前蛹及蛹體長為0.89及0.90cm。齡期為3.2及7.9天。前蛹淡黃色,蛹期轉為褐色,前蛹及蛹體背有黑斑。蛹前胸背板外伸為本蟲特徵之一。以末齡幼蟲之蛻皮協助將身體固定於葉背。成蟲圓筒形,體扁平,前胸發達蓋住頭部。翅鞘為半透明淡黃色,上有不同數量的黑色斑點。雌及雄成蟲體長為1.0及0.87cm,雌成蟲壽命73-303天,平均207.8天,雄成蟲壽命73-336天,平均190.7天。幼蟲及成蟲取食葉片,所排出之糞便污染葉片使品質下降。交尾前雄成蟲會震動雙翅,再採上、下位交尾,一生交尾多次,時間從數分鐘到數小時。每對每天約可產1-2個卵塊,一生最高可產49塊卵塊。15°C下以甘藷葉餵食幼蟲時,一至五齡體長為0.18、0.26、0.34、0.46及0.67cm,齡期為8.5、16.4、13.8、14.3及23.6天,累積死亡率為0%、30%、35%、42.5%及45%。前蛹及蛹的體長各為1.02及0.94cm。齡期為7.8及19.5天,累積死亡率為10及25%。以甕菜葉飼養本蟲時,一至五齡體長為0.2、0.26、0.34、0.46及0.67cm。齡期為4.0、4.1、4.6、5.8及9.2天,一至五齡的累積死亡率為0、0、0、9.19、9.19%。前蛹及蛹的體長各為0.88及0.89cm。齡期為3.5及8.9天,累積死亡率為9.09%。雌雄性比為2:1。以掌葉牽牛花葉片飼養本蟲時,一至五齡體長為0.2、0.25、0.38、0.52及0.75cm。齡期為5.6、5.0、3.9、5.4及12.9天,各齡累積死亡率為26、59、66、72、78%。前蛹及蛹的體長各為0.85及0.85cm,齡期各3.4及8.4天。


Preliminary studies of the life cycle of Aspidomorpha miliaris (Fabicius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) fed with Convolvulaceae plants was conducted at 25°C. Egg mass was light brown and consisted of 9-16 egg pods and each egg pod contained 2-4 eggs. The egg pod was formed by the secretion of female accessory gland. Egg was pinkish, ellipse shape with a length of 0.15 cm and width of 0.95 cm. The egg stage was 10-17 days with a mean of 13.3 days. The hatching rate was 84%. Larva has five instars, first and second instar larvae were light yellow, periphery margined with blackish sculi cheraza. The morphology of the larvae from third to last instar was similar to the second instar except the difference of size. The body length from first to fifth instar was 0.12, 0.26, 0.37, 0.57 and 0.74 cm, respectively. The larval stadia were 4.5, 5.0, 5.1, 5.0, and 8.2 days, respectively. Body length of prepupa and pupae was 0.89 and 0.90 cm. And the stadia were 3.2 and 7.9 days. Prepupa was light yellow and turned to brown before pupation with black spots on the dorsal. Pronotum was extended. The exuviae of the last instar larva was remained at the tail to help to attach to the leaf. Adult was cylinder shaped, with body expanded and flattened, resembling a tiny turtle as it named. Notum was transparency and extended to the front. Elytra were light yellow with different number of black spots. Body length of female and male adults was 1.0 and 0.87 cm. Longevity of female adult ranged from 73 to 303 days, with average of 207.8 days. Longevity of male adult ranged from 73 to 336 days, with average of 190.7 days. Larvae and adults were both fed on leaves and left fecal pellet on the leaves that have reduced the quality of the leaf of Ipomoea batata. Prior to mating, male had a wing-raising display, and then climbed to the top of female. It took several minutes to hours to complete the mating, and mates several times during its life period. Female adults produced 1-2 egg ootheca per day and 49 egg mass all their life. At 15°C, the body length of larvae was 0.18, 0.26, 0.34, 0.46 and 0.67 cm, respectively. The larval stadia were 8.5, 16.4, 13.8, 14.3 and 23.6 days, respectively. The accumulative mortality was 0, 30, 35, 42.5 and 45%. The body length of prepupa and pupa were 1.02 and 0.94 cm with stadia of 7.8 and 19.5 days. Mortality of these two stages was 10 and 25%. When larvae and adulte fed on water spinach, the body length of first to fifth instar were 0.2, 0.26, 0.34, 0.46, and 0.67 cm, respectively. The larval stadia were 4.0, 4.1, 4.6, 5.8 and 9.2 days, respectively. Mortality of first to fifth instar was 0, 0, 0, 9.19, and 9.19%. The body length of prepupa and pupa was 0.88 and 0.89 cm with stadia of 3.5 and 8.9 days. The mortality rate was 9.09%. The sex ratio was 2:1. As this insect fed on morning glory, the body length from first to fifth instar was 0.2, 0.25, 0.38, 0.52, and 0.75 cm, respectively. The larval stadia were 5.6, 5.0, 3.9, 5.4 and 12.9 days, respectively. Mortality of larval stage was 26, 59, 66, 72 and 78%. Both the body length of prepupa and pupa were 0.85 cm. The duration of prepupae and pupae was 3.4 and 8.4 days.
