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錨紋瓢蟲(Lemnia biplagiata)成蟲以不同性比與密度飼育之壽命與卵穫量

Longevity and fecundity of Lemnia biplagiata adult (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae) cultured in different sexual ratio and density


本試驗在25℃ ± 1℃、80% ± 15% RH、L/D = 12/12 h生長箱內進行,每日提供足量的棉蚜 (Aphis gossypii Glover) 做為食餌,於12公升裝養蟲罐內飼養錨紋瓢蟲 (Lemniabiplagiata (Swartz)) 成蟲,比較不同性比例與密度的飼養結果。結果顯示,在1、2、4、6及8雌配1雄不同性比的產卵前期,分別在3.5–5.8日之間,各處理間差異不顯著。一夫多妻處理對成蟲壽命無負面影響。不同性比處理的平均每雌卵穫量與卵孵化率,分別在774.4–1023.0粒與57.0–61.1%之間,處理間差異不顯著。而2–8雌配1雄的每養蟲罐卵穫量分別為1雄配1雌的1.81、3.62、5.51及6.05倍,都不及雌蟲增加的倍數,其中又以8雌配1雄的落差最大。故1–6雌配1雄皆為可考慮的性比。以4雌配1雄為基準蟲量,在12 L裝養蟲罐中分別飼養2、4、6及8倍於基準蟲量,進行不同飼育密度試驗。由卵穫量,分別為基準蟲量的2.12、4.37、6.23及6.86倍,其中8倍蟲量處理大幅減少。因此,集體飼育成蟲時,以每罐4雌配1雄之2–6倍蟲量為可行密度。


錨紋瓢蟲 棉蚜 集體飼育 性比 飼育密度


This experiment was conducted to compare the results in different sexual ratios and densities for group culture Lemnia biplagiata (Swartz) adults. Candidate adults cultured with sufficient aphid prey, Aphis gossypii Glover, at 25 ± 1℃, 80 ± 15% RH, L/D=12/12 hr growth chambers. Results showed that there were no significantly different between sexual ratio treatments, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 females to 1 male, in the pre-oviposion period. Polygamy did not negative effect on adult longevity. The egg yield per female and their hatch rate were not significant different between different sexual ratio treatments, they were 774.4-1023.0 eggs and 57.7-61.1%, respectively. The egg yield per case of 2, 4, 6, 8 females to 1 male showed 1.81, 3.62, 5.51 and 6.05 times, respectively, vs. 1 female to 1 male. Thus, all 1-6 females to 1 male were considerable sexual ratio. Four females with 1 male (4 × 1) recruited as the reference, and 2, 4, 6, and 8 times adults reared respectively in 12-L case were conducted to do different rearing density test. Their egg yields were 2.12, 4.37, 6.23 and 6.86 times of the reference. Results suggested that 2-6 times 4 × 1 adult amount per case were all considerable rearing density.
