  • 期刊


Compositions and Spatial Patterns of Forest Vegetation in Shenmuhsi Forest Reserve in Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University




The aim of this study is to investigate the vegetation which is located at Shenmuhsi Forest Reserve of Experimental Forests of National Taiwan University, Nan-tou County, Taiwan One rectangular plot, occupying about 0.7 ha in size, was divided into 70 small plots, each one of 10m×10m. The altitude of the rectangular plot ranges from 1490 meters to 1530 meters above sea level. The composition of forest vegetation, population structure of dominant trees, and spatial patterns of the trees were investigated in this study. A total of 163 species of vascular plants were recorded in this study. These 163 species belong to 61 families and 112 genera. Among them, Alnus formosana, Beilschmiedia erythrophloia, Litsea acuminate, Machilus japonica, and Fraxinus griffithii were the dominant canopy species. The results from cluster analysis and TWINSPAN analysis showed no significant difference between small plots in plant composition. Therefore, it suggests that no obvious gap exists in the large plot. The analysis of diameter class distribution of the dominant species in the canopy resulted in three main distribution patterns are shown as follows. (1) Bell-shape represented by some pioneer trees, such as Alnus formosana and Fraxinus griffithii. (2) Inverse J-shape or L-shape represented by some well-generated trees, such as Litsea acuminate and Beilschmiedia erythrophloia. (3) Rotated-sigmoid-shape represented by some periodically-regenerated species, such as Machilus pseudolongifolia and Phoebe formosana. According to research the forest is still at a middle stage of the development. The numbers of seedlings of dominant species are negatively correlated with the coverage of herbaceous plant with a correlation coefficient -0.42 (P value=0.0002). Spatial patterns of canopy dominant tree species are closely related to their population-structure. Seedlings occurred with clumped pattern, but changed into a random spatial pattern when the tree diameter increased.


