  • 期刊

Soft X-ray影像分析法應用於天然林台灣櫸、樟樹及烏心石樹輪寬度及密度分析之研究

Application of Soft X-ray Image Analysis to the Width and Density of Tree-Rings of Zelkova Serrata, Cinnamomum Camphora, and Michelia Compressa Natural Forests


本研究整合影像分析、統計分析及樹輪擷取等3應用軟體建立Soft X-ray影像分析方法,除取代傳統微密度計方法外並發展適合闊葉樹樹輪影像分析方法;並以台灣大學實驗林神木溪天然保護林台灣櫸、樟樹、烏心石3樹種,樹輪樹芯應用影像分析方法進行樹輪寬度及密度分析。3樹種應用影像分析法以平均密度為早晚材境界,透過樹輪擷取應用軟體獲得樹輪寬度及密度8個特徵值;台灣櫸屬環孔材,晚材為早材寬度之3.3倍,平均密度957.33 mg/cm^3;樟樹屬散孔材,早材為晚材寬度之3倍,平均密度為520.35 mg/cm^3;烏心石屬半散孔材,早晚材寬度比例相近約為1:1,平均密度為598.86 mg/cm^3,3樹種應用影像分析法獲得之平均密度高於文獻已有之分析。3樹種最大與最小密度相差範圍介於201.75-247.26mg/cm^3之間,最大與最小密度的振幅比一般針葉樹台灣雲杉、紅檜等樹種小,振幅太小造成X-ray樹輪影像,偽年輪判識的困難及定年的誤差。


The purpose of this study was to integrate the image-analysis and the statistical-analysis with the treeing-data-capture software to establish Soft X-ray image-analysis method. This method could replace the traditional microdensitometer and develop the way to analyze the treeing image of the hard wood. Soft X-ray image analysis of Zelkova serrata, Cinnamomum camphora, and Michelia compressa in the Experimental Forest, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University were selected for this study Early-wood and late-wood boundary was determined by the average density of Soft X-ray image analysis of Zelkova serrata, Cinnamomum camphora, and Michelia compressa. There were eight characteristic values within tree-rings were obtained by the treeing-data-capture software. Zelkova serrata belonged to ring-pored wood and its width of the late-wood was 3.3 times wider than the early-wood. The average density of Zelkova .serrata was 957.33 mg/cm^3. Cinnamomum camphora belonged to diffuse porous wood and its width of the early-wood was 3 times wider than the later-wood. The average density of Cinnamomum camphora was 520.35 mg/cm^3. Michelia compressa belonged to semi-diffuse porous wood and its ratio of the width of the late-wood and the early-wood was almost the same. The average density of Michelia compressa was 598.86 mg/m^3. The average density value of Zelkova serrata, Cinnamomum camphora, and Michelia compressa analyzed by the Soft X-ray image analysis was higher than the values in the review articles. The range of the maximum and minimum of the average density values were between 201.75 mg/cm^3 and 247.26 mg/cm^3 the range of the maximum and minimum of the amplitude of vibration values were smaller than conifers in Taiwan such as Picea morrisonicola, and Chamaceyparis formosensis, etc. The difficulties of verification of false tree-rings and inaccuracies of dating X-ray image tree-ring were caused by the small range of amplitude of vibration values.


