  • 期刊


Effects of Fire Retardants on Pyrolysis Characteristics of Cellulosic Materials Applied by Double Diffusion Technique




This study was first to investigate the combined effects of various chemicals on the weight gains of cellulosic materials. DAP was introduced in the first step and followed by thirteen inorganic saturated solutions by means of double diffusion process. Then, thermogravimetric analysis was used to explore the pyrolysis characteristics of the said cellulosic materials to screen out the chemical combinations of better fire retardancy. The experimental results showed that the chemical weight gains of the specimens were the functions of DAP's concentration and types of saturated chemicals used. Fire retardant mechanisms such as the reducing of pyrolysis onset temperature and the increasing of char residue were characterized for the treated specimens. Thermogravimetric analysis was proved suitable for the understanding of processed cellulosic materials' pyrolysis and was thus adopted as a standard for the evaluation of the fire retardant efficiency of chemicals.

