  • 期刊


Vegetative Fuel Break of Dajashi National Forest


本研究針對大甲溪事業區防火林帶現況進行調查及分析,主要項目包括防火林帶上出現之樹種、各樹種之生物/生態性狀及以葉作為燃料代表之各樹種的燃料物理與化學性質。調查分析結果顯示:大甲溪現有防火林帶上以楊梅、木荷、青剛櫟、及細葉杜鵑4種樹種出現較多,前三者屬於造林計畫所選的樹種,細葉杜鵑為非造林樹種;另有10種非造林計畫樹種出現,分別為台灣二葉松、米飯花、台灣赤楊、大頭茶、栓皮櫟、狹葉櫟、昆蘭樹、華山松、楓香及細枝柃木。防火林帶上之林木平均胸徑最大者為11.72 cm,有相當比例林木生長不良,且林分的鬱閉度偏低及出現病蟲害之情形。造林計畫所選樹種以密植3,000~5,000株/ha方式營造,平均成活率77.17%。除含水率外,針葉樹與落葉闊葉樹種之燃料物理及化學性質與常綠闊葉樹差異不大。就目前調查所得尚無法評估符合防火林帶理想的樹種,進一步綜合評估防火林帶功能及適合樹種仍需造林及燃燒試驗等相關資料之獲得。


森林火災 燃料 燃燒性 防火樹種 防火線


The present study proposes to survey and analyze the status of vegetative fuel break of Dajashi National Forest. The species presence, the silvicultural status, some biological and ecological properties of species, and some physical and chemical properties of the leaves from the surveyed species were investigated in 17 sample plots. Results show that the major species on vegetative fuel breaks were Myrica rubra, Schima superba, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, and Rhododendron noriakianum. Except for Rhododendron noriakianum, the other 3 species, previously selected by the Dajashi National Forest for fuel break species, were planted with 3,000~5,000 tree/ha with an average survival rates of 77.17%. In addition to these 4 species, 10 other species were also occurred in the sample plots. They are Pinus Taiwanese, Vaccinium bracteatum, Alnus formosana, Gordonia axillaris, Quercus variabilis, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, Trochodendron aralioides, Pinus armandi, Liquidambar formosana, Eurya loquaiana. The biological and ecological survey of the sample plots on the fuel breaks showed poor vegetation growth status, with largest mean DBH of 11.72 cm, low crown closure, light to medium damages caused by insect and diseases. Except for moisture content, no distinct differences were found among the physical and chemical properties of the coniferous and deciduous broadleaf tree leaves. Based on the data collected in this study, no species may be identified as an appropriate candidate fuel break species currently. Further silvicultural and burning tests are demanded for evaluating and screening appropriate fire resistant species for fuel break construction.
