  • 期刊


Suillus Bovinus Improved the Growth and Nutrient Absorption of Pinus Elliottii Seedlings


濕地松(Pinus elliottii Engelm.,Slash pine)為松科(Pinaceae)松屬(Pinus L.)之常綠大喬木,為臺灣之引進造林樹種。本研究自濕地松造林地之乳牛肝菌(Suillus bovinus(Pers.)Roussel,Bovine Bolete)子實體分離出乳牛肝菌菌株,並接種至濕地松之苗木,觀察其外生菌根(ectomycorrhiza)之形態和微細構造,並探討乳牛肝菌對濕地松苗木生長及養分吸收之效應。目前研究結果顯示,濕地松野外菌根為分叉狀及單根型,以掃描氏電子顯微鏡及光學顯微鏡觀察外生菌根之構造,發現有明顯之菌毯(mantle)及哈替氏網(Hartig net)構造。濕地松苗木接種乳牛肝菌菌株9個月後,苗木根部有明顯之菌毯及哈替氏網構造,而未接種者則無;且接種苗木之淨高生長量、地際直徑淨生長量、葉綠素濃度、及氮磷鉀鈣之濃度均顯著高於未接種者。本研究證實乳牛肝菌可與濕地松形成外生菌根,並增進苗木之生長及養分吸收。


Slash pine(Pinus elliottii Engelm.) is an introduced reforestation tree species in Taiwan. This study is aimed at isolating ectomycorrhizal fungal strains associated with a Slash pine plantation, inoculating them to Slash pine seedlings, and investigating the effects of ectomycorrhizal fungal strains on growth and nutrient absorption of Slash pine seedlings The current results revealed that wild roots of P. elliottii appeared in dichotomous and simple forms, and mantle and hartig net were found under scanning electron microscope and optical microscope. The fungal strain was isolated and identified as Suillus bovinus (Bovine Bolete). The fungal strain was inoculated onto roots of Slash pine seedlings. Nine months after inoculation, mantle and Hartig net were found in root structure. The net height growth, net collar diameter growth, chlorophyll concentration, as well as N, P, K, and Ca concentrations of the inoculated seedlings were significantly higher than the control ones. These results demonstrated that Bovine Bolete could effectively form ectomycorrhizas with Slash pine and improve its growth and nutrient absorption.


