  • 期刊


Negotiations over the Transfer of the Panama Canal: Panamanian Strategy and Policy




After the Isthmian Canal Convention was signed at the beginning of the 20th century, the United States considered the Pamama Canal Zone as being under its sovereignty. Nevertheless, Panama argued that the treaty was ambiguous and thus never conceded any right or privilege to the United States other than the right to build, manage, and defend the Canal. Due to this controversy, there were constant conflicts in the Canal Zone between the two sides in the 1960s, a dispute which even lead to a temporary break in diplomatic relations between the two sides. This controversy has been part of Panamanian history. At the end of the 1960s, however, the Panamanian strong man Omar Torrijos was able to change the weak position of Panama and pushed the United States into an agreement to return the Canal. Torrijos’ personal beliefs and firm position in the negotiations has become a model for later Panamanian leaders in negotiations surrounding the Canal transfer and the maintenance of related bases. Given that the Panamanian leaders have doubted U.S. sincerity regarding the return of the Canal, Panamanian domestic and foreign policy have been based on three issues: 1. How to resolve the controversy produced by the return of the Canal? 2. How to properly arrange the transfer of the Canal? 3. How can Panama manage the Canal on its own?


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