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Secretion Mechnism of Snake Venom-Speculation on Clonal Theory




毒腺 蛇毒蛋白 免疫化學


Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, one of the common venomous land snake in Taiwan, belongs to the Subfamily Crotalinae. The venom glands of T. mucrosquamatus are the major organ used for the synthesis and storage of snake venom. Up to now, snake venom is the most complex biological toxins known to human beings. In the venom of T. Mucrosquamatus consists of more than 26 isolated components. To the scientist, how these complex contitutions of the snake venom are synthesized in the venomous gland is a very intriguing question? In order to investigate the synthesis mechamism of these venom proteins in the venomous gland, two theories are postulated and challenged. First, the mechanism for the formation of multiple venom proteins by post-translational modification of proteolytic processing is proposed. However, the Northern hybridization result which were probed with three venom specific cDNAs (batroxobin-like, metalloprotein-like and metalloproteinase cDNAs) did not support the first postulation. Second, a cell-type specific synthesis for individual venom protein which is contributed to formation of the multiple venom proteins by a varieties of cells is also proposed and challenged. Two antisera of the anti-whole venom antiserum and anti-triflavin monospecific antiserum were used in immunohistochemistry investigation. In the non-induced cells, there were no significant reaction to the anti-whole venom antiserum. This result indicates that the glandular cells are in the resting state for protein synthesis. In the induced cells, the brownish DAB-staining reactions indicate theat all of the cells were in a state of active protein synthesis. However, the anti-triflavin antiserum reacted specifically only in a few glandular cells. These results suggest that cell-type specific secretion of the snake venom protein do exist in snake venom glands.


venomous gland venom immunohistochmistry
