  • 期刊


Effects of Metacognitive Training Program on Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Skills of Sixth Grade Less Skilled Readers


本研究的主要目的在探討後設認知訓練課程對於增進國小低閱讀能力學生的閱讀理解能力、策略性閱讀能力、及後設認知能力是否具有立即效果、持續效果、及遷移效果。 研究中的後設認知訓練課程主要以Jacobs & Paris(1987)對後設認知的定義為架構設計內容,以Palincsar & Brown(1984)的「交互教學法」程序及Doyle(1983)所提的「直接教導」原則進行教學。 本研究以台北市龍安國小六年級48名低閱讀能力學生為對象。以「故事體文章閱讀理解測驗」、「偵錯測驗」、「克漏字測驗」、「閱讀策略評定量表」、「閱讀覺察問卷」、「說明體文章閱讀理解測驗」分別測量受試者在實驗處理結束一週內的後測及六週後追蹤測量的故事體文章閱讀理解能力、策略性閱讀能力、後設認知能力、以及將所學習的策略遷移至對說明體文章閱讀理解的增進效果。所得資料在立即效果的研究方面,以事前比較t統計法驗證假設;在持續效果的研究方面,以二因子混合設計變異數分析驗證假設。 研究結果顯示下列幾個要點: 1.以故事體文章為主要閱讀材料的後設認知訓練課程,在增進國小低閱讀能力學生故事體文章閱讀理解能力方面,未具有立即與持續效果。 2.以故事體文章為主要閱讀材料的後設認知訓練課程,在增進國小低閱讀能力學生策略性閱讀能力方面,具有立即效果,但未具有持續效果。 3.以故事體文章為主要閱讀材料的後設認知訓練課程,在增進國小低閱讀能力學生後設認知能力方面,未具有立即與持續效果。4.國小低閱讀能力學生於接受以故事體文章為主要閱讀材料的後設認知訓練課程後,在將所學習的策略遷移至對說明體文章閱讀理解的增進方面,並不具有立即與持續效果。 本文並對這些結果進行討論及分析可能的原因。


The main purpose of this research was to investigate the immediate, maintenance, and transfer reffects of ”the Metacognitive Training Program” on reading comprehension, strategic reading, and metacognitive skills of elementary school less skilled readers. The subjects were 48 sixth grade less skilled readers selected from an elementary school in Taipei City. Through random assignment, the subjects were divided into two equivalent group. The experimental group receives the metacognitive training program in which reciprocal teaching (Palincsar & Brown 1984) and direct instruction method (Doyle, 1983)were used, while the control group did not receive trainig program. Six instruments, namely, Narratives Reading Comprehension Test, Error Detection Test, ClozeTest, Strategy Rating Task, Index of Reading Awareness Items, and Expository Passage Reading Comprehension Test, were adopted to measure reading comprehension ability, strategic reading ability, metacognitive skills and transfer effect of different groups during posttesting and 6-week follow-uptesting. The data obtained were analyzed by t statistics to test the immediate effect of the program, and by two-way mixed design ANOVA to test the maintenance effect of the program. The findings were as follows: 1.Metacognitive training program showed no significant immediate and maintenance effects on the improvement of reading comprehension of narratives for sixth grade less skilled readers. 2.The program did show significant immediate effects but did not show all significant maintenance effects on the improvement of strategic reading. 3.There were no significant immediate and maintenance effects on the improvement of metacognitive skills. 4.The program showed no significant transferring effects on the improvement of reading comprehension of expository passages. Results were discussed and the feasibility of the application of this program to reading remidialin struction and learning guidance were also suggested.


