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Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Passive Avoidance Performance and Brain Amino Acids in Senescence-Accelerated Mice



本研究目的在探討蛋白質攝取對腦內乙醯膽鹼濃度較低之老化促進小白鼠(SAMP8),其被動迴避行為與腦內胺基酸之影響變化。小白鼠離乳後餵予10%, 24%與40%酪蛋白,採自由攝食,四週後先測其被動迴避試驗採多次短時間電擊法(50V, 0.5S),老鼠被訓練辨別明暗情況以學習迴避電擊;攝食八週後犧牲老鼠,測其腦內胺基酸濃度。結果顯示10%酪蛋白組之成長較低於其它兩組,但是其步行活動量卻與其它兩組相似。餵食10%酪蛋白之小白鼠在迴避反應上比其它兩組有較差之傾向,而腦內胺基酸含量三組之間並無顯著性差異。本實驗不同蛋白質量對學習獲得與記憶保存並無很顯著之差異,其真正之機制尚待進一步探討。


The effects of protein intake level on passive avoidance test performance and brain amino acid levels were studied in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8) which have lower brain acetylcholine (ACh) concentrations. Mice were given 10%, 24%, and 40% Casein diets ad libitum for 8 weeks till aged 12 weeks. Passive avoidance test was done at 8 weeks old on multiple trials with short electric shocks (50V, 0.5s). The mice were trained to discriminate a light-dark condition and learned to avoid the shocks. Growth was lower in the 10% casein diet group than in the other two groups, but its ambulatory activity was similar to that of the other two groups. The avoidance responses in mice fed 10% casein diet tended to be worse than that of the other two groups. Each brain amino acid concentration was similar among the three groups. Our experiment for effect of different protein levels on passive avoidance resulted no significant differences, therefore we are still investigating the reason.
