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A Study of the Roles and Duties of Dietitians in County Bureaus of Education and Elementary and Middle School


本研究之目的是確認教育局、學校學養師的角色與工作職責,以及其工作現況。研究分為兩階段,第一階段採用德爾菲預測術研究法,探討專家學者及資深優良工作者(以下簡稱專家們)對於教育局、學校營養師的角色與工作職責之看法,第二階段是對所有教育局營養師 (n=5)、中小學營養師 (n=78)進行問卷調查,以瞭解實際工作者執行第一階段專家們確認的角色及工作職責之狀況,回收率分別是71.4%和69.0%。研究結果發現我國中小學自辦午餐者有2381所,只有113所 (4.7%)設置營養師,23個縣市教育局也只有5個縣市有營養師。這些營養師的角色,專家學者與工作者本身的看法相當一致,教育局營養師最重要的角色是「制訂標準者」、「計畫/評估者」、「監督者」及「行政管理者」,學校營養師最重要的角色是「膳食規劃者」、「執行者」及「行政管理者」。在工作職責方面,教育局與中小學營養師實際執行工作的情形與專家們評定必要的項目二者並不完全一致,教育局營養師許多未能執行「全校性的營養指導-營養調查」及「研究」二主題下的工作,而學校營養師則較多未執行「個案營養照顧」主題下的部分工作以及抽查校園食品。另外,二種營養師均花費極多時間執行「行政管理」。由研究結果,營養界須努力推動落實「學校衛生法」及「營養師法」,在教育機構設置營養師,且給予明確之專業定位,減少不必要的行政工作,並加強校方及教育行政單位對於營養推廣工作的瞭解與重視。


This study was conducted to understand he roles, duties, and current working status of dietitians in county bureaus of education and elementary and middle schools. First, the Delphi technique was used to collect experts’ opinions on the roles and duties of dietitians in county bureaus of education and public elementary and middle schools. Self-administered questionnaires were then mailed to all the dietitians working in County Bureau of Education ( n = 7) and public elementary and junior high schools (n = 113). The response rates were 71.4% ( n = 5) and 69.0% ( n = 78), respectively. The results showed that the roles and duties recognized by dietitians in both county bureau of education and schools were similar to the experts’ viewpoints. However, some of the routine work of dietitians was not considered necessary by the experts, especially work in “administration”. On the other hand, less than 50% of the county bureau of education dietitians fulfilled the work of “nutritional survey” and “ conducting research”, while less than 50% of school dietitians fulfilled the work of “nutritional screening and counseling in school” and “inspection of competitive foods sold in school”, which were evaluated as important duties by experts. Results suggest that the current job assignments of dietitian in both county bureaus of dietitians in elementary and middle schools should be recognized by government education authorities. Thereafter the job position of dietitian can be standardized in both county bureaus of education and in elementary and middle schools.


school dietitian role duty working status


