  • 期刊


Religious Tourists' Travel Motivation, Expectation, and Satisfaction




The ancient Greek philosopher Bloch wrote, ”Where there is hope, there is religion.” Probably the most widely held view of religion is that it gives people hope and introduces a spiritual dimension into their life. In human history, religion played an important role not only in politics, economics, and everyday life, but also in tourism. One just needs to think of the ”pilgrimages” that are common in several major religions and then there are tourists who want to visit areas to see and experience places or events associated with religions other than their own. One can say that traveling to religious holy lands is one of the very important activities in tourism. Although religious tourism has grown dramatically in recent decades, only a few researches have pursued this area of study. Moreover, much of their work only addresses demographic backgrounds. Therefore, this research is to use the Taitian Temple of Nan Kun Shen, Tainan, Taiwan in a case study to investigate religious tourists' travel motivation, expectation, perception, and their relationships including relations to demographic factors and the role of visiting the temple in there ”overall” trip. The results are to be used in strategic planning and in the management of tourism by governmental agencies.


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