  • 期刊


The Study of Vote Equalization in Taiwan: The Case of the 2001 Legislative Yuan Election


單記不可讓渡投票制(SNTV)是我國特有之民意代表選舉制度,在過去的選舉經驗中,國民黨透過其嚴密的組織系統,以責任區方式有效地動員群眾進行有組織的配票,為其贏得選戰中的多數席次。其他政黨雖無法仿效國民黨之責任區配票制,但開始尋思透過其他方式,促使選民依照政黨的指示將選票平均分配給該黨候選人,避免浪費選票,以達到席次極大化的目的。配票之運作成功與否,除了政黨的強力動員之外,更重要的是取決於選民是否願意配合,除了接受政黨指示配票之外,亦有民眾是私下與家人或親友自動配票。本篇論文的主要目的便是從SNTV制度下所導致的選民配票行為為切入點,探討哪一類型之選民願意接受政黨的配票,或者私下自動配票,而影響其接受配票的重要因素又是為何。 本論文所使用之資料採自「2001年台灣選舉與民主化調查研究:民國九十年立法委員選舉全國大型民意調查研究」計畫,該筆資料由國立政治大學選舉研究中心、國立中正大學民意調查研究中心及國立中山大學民意調查研究中心執行並釋出。作者依據該筆資料針對民國九十年第五屆立法委員選舉中選民之配票行為進行分析,歸納出若干可能影響選民配票與否之模型,並加以驗證。在結論中,本文認為選民的性別、省籍、教育程度、資訊吸收程度以及政黨認同之強度及方向等因素,可能是影響選民配票與否的重要變數。


Single non-transferable vote, the system Taiwan adopts, is a unique electoral system. Given this system, Kuomintang used to be the only party which could equalize vote by using ”responsibility zone system” to mobilize and allocate potential votes of its electorate to gain more seats in the Legislative Yuan. Without strong local organizations as KMT did, Democratic progressive party (DPP) and New Party (NP) still tried to look for alternative ways to mobilize their supporters to equalize vote and thereby maximized their seats in Legislative Yuan elections. Nowadays, the success of vote equalization depends not only on the parties' mobilization ability but also on voters' cooperation. Voters also try as much to equalize the votes as the political parties do to ensure the victory of their preferable candidates. In addition to following political parties' instructions, some voters allocate votes within their family and among their friends. The purpose of this article is to find out factors that encourage voters to equalize their votes. The author tries to figure out that what kinds of voters would follow his or her parties' instruction of vote equalization and voluntarily allocate their votes with family and friends in private. Based on the data set collected in the 2001 Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study (TEDS), I examine whether the vote choice of Taiwanese is on the basis of strategic considerations. The results show significant statistical association between vote equalization and variables such as sex, ethnicity, education, information, and party identification direction in the 2001 Legislative Yuan election.


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