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Occupational Therapy in Collaborative Teams for Children with Speical Needs in Kaohsiung City


國內相關法令規定,對於身心障礙兒童之服務應以專業團隊合作的方式進行,專業團隊已成為醫療、教育、社福系統等的主要服務模式。本研究主要為根據相關文獻探討專業團隊的模式及職能治療在國隊中扮演之角色,文中收集「高雄市身心障礙教育專業團隊」八十九及九十年度之資料,並以問卷及電話訪談高雄市共60位職能治療師。獲得(一)高雄市專業團隊模式之運作現況;(二)職能治療師在專業團隊中提供之服務;(三)高雄市大部分的職能治療師對專業團隊之看法。 研究結果顯示:(一)在高雄地區專業團隊模式的運作未臻成熟,還有許多需要改善的地方;(二)職能治療師在專業團隊中的角色並不明確,且面臨最大的問題是人力不足;(三)一般的職能治療師對專業團隊亦不夠暸解。根據研究結果,職能治療專業應具備與其他專業合作之共識、積極投入專業團隊服務、配合相關政策及資源,以期對身心障礙兒童提供更有成效與品質之服務。


In accordance with relevant laws, professionals are mandated to provide collaborative team services to children with special needs. In fact, collaborative team has become a major service delivery model in the medical, educational, as well as the social welfare systems. The aims of this study were threefold: first, to delineate the pattern of service delivery of collaborative team in Kaohsiung city; second, to illustrate the types of services provided by the occupational therapist in the collaborative team, and third, to elucidate the opinions held by the occupational therapists toward the collaborative team. Data were collected retrospectively from the operation records of collaborative team in Kaohsiung city during the period between 2000 and 2001, in addition to the questionnaires and telephone interviews completed by 60 occupational therapists practicing in Kaohsiung. The results identified several shortcomings in relation to the service delivery processes or collaborative team, such as a lack of outcome-based appraisals. In addition, the occupational therapist's role in the collaborative team is not well defined, and that the major problem encountered is manpower shortage. Finally, the majority of occupational therapy clinicians are not familiar with the concept of collaborative team. It is suggested that occupational therapists should foster a sense of collaboration when working together with other professionals in collaborative teams. By assuming an active role in the team services and complying with the policies and regulations, the OT clinicians could furnish effective and high quality services to children with special needs.


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