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Investigation of the Characteristics of Effective Occupational Therapists


職能治療的傳統重視個案的自主參與以及個案中心導向,因此治療的過程中,治療關係的建立及維持,是促進個案進展的首要步驟。本研究的目的是藉由文獻回顧、訪談、及問卷調查的方式,探討有效能的職能治療師所應具備的特質。本研究乃是國內職能治療界首次針對治療關係之議題的研究文章。 本研究共收集25位個案進行訪談,259位研究個案填寫問卷。其中109位是職能治療師、113位為接受過職能治療之病患,37位是病患家屬。問卷之編制乃是根據文獻、訪談以及預試之結果,共有32題。具有適當之建構校度及內在一致性。本研究使用了EXCEL、BIGSTEPS及SPSS等軟體進行分析。 研究結果顯示,治療師、病人及家屬對優良治療者特質之看法有所差異:家屬較為重視治療師的個人特質與溝通能力,病人比較重視治療師之個人特質,家屬與病人均重視耐心、愛心與敏銳發現問題。而治療師則較注重治療關係與專業能力。由此結果顯示,治療師需培養對病患的關懷態度、加強愛心與耐心之表達與訓練。由於不同的對象所認定之治療師特質有所差異,因而治療師在訂立治療目標及治療計畫時,需要了解病患及家屬的意見,審慎評估病患之需求,方有助於建立良好的治療關係,增進職能治療療效之達成。


治療關係 職能治療 溝通


Occupational therapy profession stemmed from the traditions which emphasize empowering clients and client-centeredness. Thus, the establishment of therapeutic rapport with the clients would be the first step toward facilitating clients' change. The purpose of the study is to investigate therapeutic qualities expected by patients, family members, and therapists. This is the first study in Taiwan to examine the issue ever published. Twenty-five subjects participated the interview part of the study. Two hundred and fifty-nine subjects filled out the therapeutic qualities questionnaire, and returned their questionnaires. Among them, 109 were occupational therapists, 113 were the patients receiving occupational therapy services, and 37 were the patients’ family. Therapeutic qualities questionnaire was designed based on literature review, interview, and pilot testing. The resulting questionnaire contains 32 items, with adequate construct validity and internal consistency. Data were analyzed through the use of Excel, Rasch analysis computer pro gram BIGSTEPS, and SPSS. The results of the study showed that there are different viewpoints among therapists, patients and the family members. The family members were more concerned about the personal characteristics and ability to communicate, while the patients concerned about personal characteristics. The rapists emphasized therapeutic rapport and professional knowledge. Among these, passion and patience were regarded as more important qualities than others by patients and family members. The results of the study point out that occupational therapists need to learn the ways to express their care, patience and loving attitude. Since the results indicated that there are different perspectives relating to the therapeutic characteristics of occupational therapists. The therapists should be aware of the opinions of the client's and family's when setting therapeutic goals and plans, and building therapeutic alliance.


