  • 期刊



陶瓷濾膜具有耐高壓、耐金屬磨損及耐油料浸膨的特性,本研究應用多孔型陶瓷濾膜進行工業廢潤滑油超過濾評估。平板型陶瓷薄膜為Whatman 氧化鋁薄膜( anodic disk) ,孔徑0.2 μm 和0.02 μmo 圓管型陶瓷濾材由中科院四所提供,內層濾膜共有3 種孔徑, 分別是1.0 μm、0.5 μm 和0.2 μmo 未處理的工業廢潤滑油約合11wt%的瀝青成份, 0.2 μm 與0.02 μm 薄膜皆可達到約0.60的排拒率(rejection)。由阻力串聯模式分析結果得知攪拌與逆洗均能有效降低Rf( 阻塞阻力)與φ值(濃度極化比例係數)。就濾液的品質方面,六種ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)檢驗項目上, 平板型陶瓷濾材對未處理的廢潤滑油有大幅的改善, 0.2 μm 與0.02 μm 平板型陶瓷薄膜得到濾液黏度指數(viscosity index)為99 (原廢油129) , 流動點( pour point)-9°C(原廢油- 27°C) , 總酸價( total acid number) 0.34 mg KOH / g (原廢油23.79 mg KOH / g) , 濁度( turbidity)0.79 NTU (原廢油260 NTU) , 25°C 及40°C 黏度則分別為86.6 cP 以及41.0 cP。結果顯示陶瓷濾膜在廢潤滑油回收或減量的應用具可行性及經濟價值。




Ceramic membrane provides unique pro-perties,such as high-pressure and high-tem-perature stability, metal-particle abrasion and organic solvent resistance. The ultrafiltration of spent industrial lubricant was evaluated using porous ceramic membranes. Whatman anodic disks with pore size 0.2 μm and 0.02μm were used as filtered media. Tubular mem-branes with pore size 1 μm,0.5 μm and 0.02μm were prepared by Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology. The spent lubricants contain about 11 wt % of asphaltene. The rejection was near 0.60 in either 0.2 μm or 0.02μm membranes. Based on the resistance-in-series model, stirring and backflushing can effectively decrease Rf (fouling resistance) and φ( polarization coefficient) . The quality of permeates from disk and tubular membranes were significantly improved according to the results of 6 ASTM indexes. The permeate,which was filtered by 0.2 μm and 0.02 μm disk membranes, showed the following results. The viscosity index was 99 (initial 129) ;the pouring point was - 9°C (initial - 27°C ) ; the total acid number was 0.34 mg KOH/ g (initial 23.79 mg KOH / g) ; the turbidity was 0.79 NTU (initial 260 NTU) ; the viscosities at 25°C and 40°C were 86.6 and 41.0 cP, respectively (initial 309 and 160.2cP, respectively) . The recycle and minimization of spent lubricant are feasible with economical incentive using ceramic membranes.




