  • 期刊


Thermogravimetric Analysis of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes


利用鈷/氧化鎂載體觸媒進行熱化學氣相沉積反應, 在850°C下裂解乙快,經由SEM、 TEM 與HRTEM 分析,產物含有多層碳奈米管( MWNTs )與非定型碳雜質。當載體觸媒之鈷含量不同時,所得到MWNTs 的產率也就不同, 透過熱重分析交叉比對,本文提出一較完整的反應模式,分別解釋MWNTs 與非定型碳的生長機制。基於合理的假設與估算, 本研究認為在鈷含量不高時, 每單位鈷金屬(Co/MgO = 1/100 )可生成MWNTs 的重量約為載體觸媒總重的0.33 wt %。


With catalysts of cobalts supported on magnesium oxides(Co / MgO), acetylene can be pyrollyzed at 850℃. Examined by SEM, TEM and HRTEM, such thermal chemical vapor deposition products are multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and amorphous carbon impurities. The yields of MWNTs are varied with Co contents in the supported cata-lysts. This article proposes a more complete reaction model to illustrate growth mechanisms of MWNTs and amorphous carbons, according to crossed comparisons of thermogravimetric analysis to these products. Based on reasonable assumptions and estimations, this study con-eludes that each unit Co (Co / MgO = 1 /100) produces 0.33wt% MWNTs on total supported catalysts when Co contents are not high.
