  • 期刊


Text, Interpretation, Praxis: Ricoeur's Hermeneutics in From Text To Action


本文嘗試闡述作為法國二十世紀最有名的詮釋哲學家的呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur, 1913-2005)如何在一方面傳承詮釋學對以自然科學為典範之士來馬赫與狄爾泰客觀主義的批判,並繼承海德格與高達美之「此在」存有論的詮釋學,以探討「前理解」、「前見」、「意識形態」;另一方面則批判海德格之存有論跟知識論的斷裂,導致在後者之詮釋學無客觀的認識方法。呂格爾如何以涉入結構主義及語言學,-其所謂人文科學本身的客觀性-來重構詮釋學的客觀方法。然而其中呂格爾跟跟結構主義以及解構主義仍然存在著歧異,亦即對於符號是否具有符號系統以外的指涉對象立場南轅北轍。除此之外,呂格爾對當代詮釋學最大之貢獻在於:他將對文本之理解回溯至亞里斯多德詩學與倫理學,強調詮釋與敘事的共同特徵,亦即構思情節與尋求意義,進而將對文本的理解與詮釋連結於「行動、事件、及行動者」,呂格爾藉此勾勒出人類個體面對文本時的清晰圖像,總是在某個意義脈絡中具有目的性的行動者、並隨時在行動與理解中尋求意義與建立意義。據此呂格爾將詮釋學擴展至人類的歷史與文化,並賦予它們有別於虛無主義的價值與意義。


呂格爾 文本 詮釋 行動 意義


This paper tries to elucidate how Ricoeur, the most famous French philosopher of hermeneutics in the twentieth century, following the critique of Schleiermacher's and Dilthey's objectivism that modeled itself after natural sciences, and was inherited Heidegger's and Gadamer's hermeneutics of Dasein's ontology by discussing ”pre-understanding,” ”prejudice,” and ”ideology,” on the one hand and how he criticizes the fracture between epistemology and Heidegger's ontology, which causes the lack of objective knowing method of the latter's hermeneutics, on the other hand. It is to explain how Ricoeur reconstructs objective method for hermeneutics by involving in structuralism and linguistics whose objectivity, as he thinks, belongs to Humanities themselves. However there remains discrepancy between Ricoeur and structuralism as well as deconstructionism, namely, their disagreement about the question whether symbols should have the signified referents outside the system of the signifying or not.Besides, it will show the greatest contribution Ricoeur gave to the current hermeneutics: he traces understanding of text back to Aristotle's Poetics and Nicomachean Ethics, emphasizing the common feature of interpretation and narrative, i.e., the emplotment and searching for meaning, and then connects understanding and interpretation of text with action, event and agent. By doing this, Ricoeur sketches a clear picture of human individual facing a text, who is always an actor with a purposeful intention in a meaningful context and at all time looking for and constructing meaningfulness by action as well as by understanding. According to this, Ricoeur expands hermeneutics into human culture and history, giving values and meaning to them in contrast to nihilism.


Ricoeur Text Interpretation Action Meaning


Aristotle,Irwin, Terence(trans.)(1985).Nicomachen Ethics.Indianapolis:Hackett.
De Saussure, Ferdinand,Balley, Charles(hrsg.),Sechhaye, Albert(hrsg.)(1967).Grundfragen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft.Berlin:Auflage.
Dilthey, Wilhelm,Gronethehuysen, Bernhard(hrsg.)(1957).Gesammelte Schriften. Bd. VII., Der Aufbau der geschichtlichen Welt in den Geisteswissenschften.Göttingen:Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Dilthey, Wilhelm,Misch, Gerog(hrsg.)(1957).Gesammelte Schriften. Bd. V., Die Geistige Welt. Einleitung in die Philosophie des Lebens. Erste Hälfte.Göttingen:Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Krämer, Sybille(2001).Sprache, Sprechakt, Kommunikation. Sprachtheoretische Positionen des 20. Jahrhunderts.Frankfurt a. M.:Suhrkamp.
