  • 期刊


A Preliminary Investigation to Niccolò Longobardo's Account on China: Translations, Margin-text Chinese Scripts and Annotations


本文透過版本的比較,介紹影響近代西方對中國宗教理解的一份極為關鍵的文本-明末耶穌會士龍華民(Niccolò Longobardo, 1559-1654)撰於1623年的《論中國宗教的幾點問題》及其後四種譯本之間的格式問題,聚焦在邊欄中文的考證與註釋的比對兩個方面。《論中國宗教的幾點問題》寫成之後將近八十年的時間裡,分別被譯為拉丁文(1661)、西班牙文(1676)、法文(1701)與英文(1704),在西班牙譯本正式出版後方逐漸廣為人知。其法譯本不僅是索邦神學院和羅馬教廷對中國耶穌會和中國禮儀進行宗教裁判的重要依據,此後學界的討論也多根據此譯本。不同時期的稿本和版本其格式和內容並不完全相同,箇中差異在於圖像、邊欄中文與註釋三個部分。圖像和邊欄中文僅出現在葡文原文和拉丁譯本,在正式出版的譯本裡均未見。而註釋為利安當和閔明我在翻譯時所加,龍華民的原稿未見,法譯本亦無,僅出現在拉丁本、西班牙文本和英文本。而西班牙譯本的注釋數量又高於拉丁譯本。本文將主要關注原文和譯本的格式,尤其側重在目前學界較少處理的葡文與拉丁文譯本,包含邊欄中文和註釋有無、刪增等問題。


This article investigates the crucial manuscript Resposta breve sobre as Controversias do Xámti, Tienxin, Limhoên, e outros nomes e termos sinicos (ca. 1623), written by Niccolò Longobardo (1559-1654) in Portuguese, as well as its four translations, Latin (1661), Spanish (1676), French (1701) and English (1704), respectively. The attention is paid to the different formats among them, including the annotations and Chinese scripts in the margins. Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero (1602-1669) prepared a Latin translation, and Domingo F. Navarrette (1610-1689) had it published in Spanish in 1676, Madrid. The Sorbonne theology faculty founded their religious inquisitions of Chinese Jesuits and Chinese rites on its French translation, which has also been an important reference to academic discussions ever since. The various versions of this manuscript, including the original and its translations, are different in terms of formats and contents, mainly diverge in icons, Chinese scripts and annotations in the margins. Only the Portuguese and the Latin versions contain icons and Chinese scripts, which are not seen in the Spanish, French and English translations. Annotations were first inserted by Santa Maria Caballero and Navarrette added many more, are seen in the Latin, Spanish and English versions but neither in the Portuguese version nor in the French version. The author focuses on the formats of the original and its translations, especially the Portuguese and the Latin versions, discussing and publishing the Chinese scripts and the annotations in the margins that were less known to the scholars.


Longobardo, Niccolò, 葡文手稿(1623):Resposta breve sobre as Controversias do Xámti, Tienxin, Limhoên, e outros nomes e termos sinicos: per se determinar quaes delles podem ou nao podem usarse nesta Xrandade. Dirigida aos Padres das Residencias da China, pera a verem, a depois emviare com ou seu parecer sobre ella ao Nosso Padre Visitador em Macao, Archive of Pontifical Urban University, SC Indie Orientali e Cina, vol. 1, pp.145r- 168v.
拉丁譯本(1661):Niccolò Longobardo, Antonio de Santa Maria Caballero (transl.), Responsio brevis super controversias de Xamti, hoc est de altissimo Domino, de Tienchin, id est de spiritibus coelestibus, de Lim-hoên, id est de anima rationali (1661), Archive of Pontifical Urban University, SC Indie Orientali e Cina, vol. 1, pp.170r-197v.
西班牙文譯本:Respuesta Breve, Sobre las controversias de el Xang Ti, Tien Xin, y Ling Heon, (esto es de el Rey de lo alto, espiritus, y alma racional, que pone el China) y otros nombres, y terminos Chinicos, para determinarse, quales de ellos se pueden usaren esta Christiandad, dirigida a los Padres de las residencias de China, para que le vean, y imbien despues su parecer al P. Visitador de Macao, in Domingo Fernández Navarrete, Tratados Historicos, Politicos, Ethicos, y Religiosos de la Monarchia de China. Madrid: Imprenta Real,1676, pp.245-289.
法譯單行本:Traité sur quelques Points de la Religion des Chinois, Paris: L. Guerin, 1701.
Li, Wenchao(ed.),Poser, Hans(ed.)(2002).Leibniz: Discours sur la theologie naturelle des chinois.Frankfurt am Main:Klostermann.
