  • 期刊


Study on Gas Diffusion Electrode Modified with Conducting Polymer


氣體擴散電極(Gas diffusion electrode)是鋅空氣電池的重要組件之一。本研究以電聚合(Electro-polymerization)方式,在氣體擴散電極的304不誘鋼集電層表面製作一聚吡咯(Polypyrrole, Ppy)導電高分子薄膜,以改善氣體擴散電極的效能。研究結果顯示,聚吡咯薄膜可以抑制304不銹鋼集電網在8M氫氧化鉀溶液中的陽極極化電流。再者,先將銀或氧化錳等可以催化氧氣還原的觸媒沉積於集電網表面的聚吡咯薄膜,然後再製作氣體擴散電極,將可顯著提升該氣體擴散電極的氧氣還原反應效能。


A gas diffusion electrode is one of the most important components of a zinc-air battery. In this study, conducting polypyrrole coatings were prepared by electrochemical polymerization onto an SS304 current collector to improve the performance of the gas diffusion electrode. It was found that anodic polarization current of the SS304 current collector with the polypyrrole coating diminished in a 8 M KOH electrolyte solution. Furthermore, the oxygen reduction on the gas diffusion electrode was markedly promoted by the polypyrrole coating with certain catalysts, namely Ag and manganese oxide. The catalysts were deposited onto the polypyrrole coating on the SS304 current collector prior to the manufacturing processes of the gas diffusion electrode.
