  • 期刊


Analysis on the Cause of Failure in the Main Steam Piping of Boilers




鍋爐 主蒸汽管 熱疲勞 熱應力


The objective of this paper is to study the cause of successive failures in the main steam piping of boilers. Appearance examinations, material composition analyses. micro-hardness measurements, mechanical property tests. metallographical and micrographical analyses and fractured surfaces, corrosion product analyses, and IR thermo-graphy tests were conducted. Circumferential fissures were found on the internal surfaces of the tubing and were found propagating from the internal to the external surfaces, and these fissures did not show any sign of branching. There were some beach marks on the fractured surfaces. No significant differences in composition, tensile strength and hardness were found among the tubing samples. However. striations and oxide scales were observed on the pickled surface and in the fissures, respectively. Based upon the foregoing analyses. it was speculated that failure of the main steam piping was caused by thermal fatigue. which was confirmed by an in-situ IR thermography test. it was found in the test that the steam of lower temperature injected into the main steam piping from the sampling tube resulted in a locally Tow temperature area on the piping surface, which in turn led to a local thermal stress and the resultant thermal fatigue.
