  • 期刊


The Regional Architectural Culture and Housing Design-Issues in Designing Hakka Wu in Miaoli


本文企圖以發展「地方」住居建築文化議題作為地域性設計概念討論的基礎。議題肇始於苗栗縣政府的「好客屋」建築文化運動,遂引發筆者對於「地方性」住居議題的興趣,如:何謂「好客屋」?「好客屋」就是為客家人所設計的房屋嗎?本研究並不企圖對相關問題提出直接回應或評論,而是藉由設計教學中的設計計畫及操作練習的過程及成果,為「地域性」設計課題提供實踐與反思的場域。 設計教學進行的過程,首先對臺灣地域性住居運動發展(第二章)以及「地域性」理論論述(第三章)進行回顧與探討,作為訂定設計教學計畫及操作內容(第五章)的依據;並透過設計教學的實踐操作,引導設計者完成相關設計內容。 結論除了對學生操作「地方性」課題的結果提出綜合性結論外,並嘗試以設計教學過程中對「地域性」概念的反思,提出與地方性建築形式發展有關的討論及回應。


This paper focuses on about the issue of interpreting ”regional identity” in regional housing design. The issue is initiated from the local policy of developing ”Hakka Wu”, the housing type of presenting Hakka identity, set by Miaoli County Government; which engenders our interests in issues related to the presentation of regional characteristics. For instance, how to define the ”Hakka Wu”? Does the ”Hakka Wu” represent an ideal housing belonging to Hakka culture? This research does not intend to provide immediate answers or comments for questions addressed above, but to create the field of practicing and self-examining the issue of presenting ”regional identity” in architectural design through the discussion of the design process and outcomes developed from our experimental teaching program. The teaching program is carried out in two steps. Firstly, we make a review of the development of the ”regional housing” in Taiwan (Chapter Two), and an investigation of the theories concerning about the issue of ”regional identity” (Chapter Three), which form the base of establishing the teaching program and the design program for the designers (Chapter Five). Secondly, we conduct the designers to accomplish the requirements of the design program through the proceeding of the teaching program. The conclusion presents the integrated investigation of students' practices in the issue of ”regional identity”, and makes the arguments and propositions related to the development of regional architectural forms through the discussion of ”regional identity” during the teaching process.


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