

目的:腎集尿管癌是源自集尿管少見之腎癌症,惡性度極高,預後很差。我們報告最近十年治療此癌之經驗。 材料及方法:從1995到2004年共242例腎癌中3位腎集尿管癌的病患被治療。所有腎集尿管癌都是由腎切除之病理標本來確定。腫瘤特徵,病患之治療及治療結果都被報告。 結果:一位是第四期(T4N0M0),一位是第三期(T3N0M0),一位是第一期(T1N0M0)平均追蹤時間是21.7個月。T1N0M0之病患腎切除後47個月,T3N0M0之病患腎切除後6個月,皆未見復發或轉移。T4N0M0之病患腎切除後4個月發現轉移,輔助放射治療8個月後死亡。 結論:腎集尿管癌是一侵犯性高之癌症,約佔腎細胞癌之1.2%。我們的資料顯示早期診斷及治療早期且惡性度低之病患其預後較好。


OBJECTIVE: Collecting duct carcinoma (CDC) of the kidney, a rare renal tumor, is considered to be derived from epithelial cells of the distal collecting duct and has a poor prognosis due to it being a high-grade malignancy. We report our experience in the last 10 years with this variety of renal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 1995 to 2004, 3 patients who underwent a nephrectomy were diagnosed with CDC at Chi Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan. The diagnosis of CDC was made based on histological and immunohistochemical criteria. Demographic and clinical features, pathological findings, and patient treatment and outcome data were gathered. RESULTS: The mean follow-up was 21.7 months. One patient with a T1N0M0 tumor remained free of disease 47 months after the nephrectomy, and another with a T3N0M0 tumor remained free of disease at 6 months after the operation. One patient with T4N0M0 disease was initially treated with a nephrectomy, but aortocaval lymph node metastasis developed 4 months later. She was then treated with radiotherapy but died 8 months later. CONCLUSIONS: CDC is an aggressive variety of renal neoplasm that constitutes about 1.2% of renal cell carcinomas. Our data suggest that patients with low-stage disease and low-grade nuclei have a better prognosis.

