  • 期刊


Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypercalcemia


人體內鈣的總量約1000-1200 公克,血鈣濃度受到嚴密的調控,藉由副甲狀腺素(parathyroid hormone)、維生素D (vitamin D) 及調鈣素(calcitonin) 作用在腎臟、骨骼與腸道這三個器官,來維持鈣離子濃度的恆定。鈣離子對於神經傳導、肌肉收縮、血液凝集,賀爾蒙分泌及細胞間的接合,扮演重要的角色。高血鈣症(hypercalcemia) 是臨床上常見的問題之一,在急診或是住院中都可能遇到人體內鈣的總量約1000-1200 公克,血鈣濃度受到嚴密的調控,藉由副甲狀腺素(parathyroid hormone)、維生素D (vitamin D) 及調鈣素(calcitonin) 作用在腎臟、骨骼與腸道這三個器官,來維持鈣離子濃度的恆定。鈣離子對於神經傳導、肌肉收縮、血液凝集,賀爾蒙分泌及細胞間的接合,扮演重要的角色。高血鈣症(hypercalcemia) 是臨床上常見的問題之一,在急診或是住院中都可能遇到。原發性副甲狀腺機能亢進、癌症、服用鈣片與維生素D,或慢性腎臟病併發三發性副甲狀腺機能亢進,都是常見的高血鈣原因,其他較少見的原因還包括與維生素D 或其他內分泌相關的疾病,藥物,長期臥床或是家族性遺傳等疾病。臨床上,高血鈣可能會造成倦怠、肌肉無力、厭食、意識不清甚至昏迷、組織的異位性鈣化、多尿症( 尿量 > 3 公升/ 天),以及腎衰竭。其致病原因可依病史、臨床表現、血中副甲狀腺素濃度、維生素D 濃度與尿液鈣的排泄量來鑑別診斷。高血鈣的處置,主要取決於高血鈣的嚴重程度、臨床症狀以及潛在病因。因此如何快速的診斷與治療高血鈣是本文探討的主題。。原發性副甲狀腺機能亢進、癌症、服用鈣片與維生素D,或慢性腎臟病併發三發性副甲狀腺機能亢進,都是常見的高血鈣原因,其他較少見的原因還包括與維生素D 或其他內分泌相關的疾病,藥物,長期臥床或是家族性遺傳等疾病。臨床上,高血鈣可能會造成倦怠、肌肉無力、厭食、意識不清甚至昏迷、組織的異位性鈣化、多尿症( 尿量 > 3 公升/ 天),以及腎衰竭。其致病原因可依病史、臨床表現、血中副甲狀腺素濃度、維生素D 濃度與尿液鈣的排泄量來鑑別診斷。高血鈣的處置,主要取決於高血鈣的嚴重程度、臨床症狀以及潛在病因。因此如何快速的診斷與治療高血鈣是本文探討的主題。


The total amount of calcium in the human body ranges from 1000 to 1200 g. Calcium level is tightly regulated through parathyroid hormone, vitamin D and calcitonin acting on kidney, bone and intestine. Calcium serves a vital role in nerve impulse transmission, muscular contraction, blood coagulation, hormone secretion, and intercellular adhesion. Hypercalcemia is a common finding in the setting of primary care, as well as in emergency departments and patients admitted to hospital. Primary hyperparathyroidism, malignancy and chronic renal failure (with calcium and vitamin D metabolite treatment or tertiary hyperparathyroidism) are the most common causes. Less common causes of hypercalcemia include vitamin D-related disorders, endocrine problem, drugs, immobilization and familial genetic disorder. Clinical presentations of hypercalcemia include fatigue, weakness, anorexia, confusion even coma, tissue calcification, polyuria (urine output more than 3 liter/day) and renal failure. Medical history, clinical presentation, the measurement of parathyroid hormone concentration, vitamin D levels and urinary calcium excretion can help to differentiate the various causes of hypercalcemia. The management depends on the severity of hypercalcemia, clinical manifestations, and the underlying causes. This article aims to review and summarize the diagnostic and therapeutic principles of hypercalcemia.



