  • 期刊

An Interactive Tool Based on XML Technology for Data Exchange between Heterogeneous ERP Systems



企業爲了因應來自全球化的競爭,紛紛採用供應鏈的經營模式。因此如何整合供應鏈中各個企業的資訊流,亦即讓企業間不同的企業資源規劃資訊系統能夠彼此溝通,成爲重要且具發展性的問題。雖然許多學者及業界提出各種整合的方法或架構,但皆著重於訂定標準的資料交換格式,以利企業間資訊的溝通,其中XML (Extensible Markup Language)已成爲大部分企業採用的資料交換格式。但是用來交換的XML文件和各企業所使用的資料庫系統之間的相關問題,目前欠缺有系統的討論,本研究認爲運用新的資訊技術必定能增強資料交換的處理效能。 本研究運用能夠處理XML文件的web-based平台來整合異質性資料庫的資料交換。其基本流程爲:首先將資料由資料庫轉出成爲XML文件,透過本研究所開發的資料轉換模組和使用者的互動,將不同企業間異質XML文件進行拆解轉換,使文件內的資料格式成爲和資料庫同質的格式。爲了維護交換資料的正確性與品質,必須探討綱要(schema)在XML文件與資料庫間的關係,能將交換後的正確資料存入資料庫內。 本研究先探討目前企業間資料交換所遭遇到的困難,接著在網際網路環境中運用XML、XSLT及XML schema等相關技術來處理資料交換時的綱要衝突以及確保資料庫的資料正確性,因而增強資料交換時的效能。


Data exchange between enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in a supply chain system needs to fulfill requirements of both schema integration and message translation. Since ERP systems with relational database systems are developed independently, schema conflicts between databases is a common problem for schema integration. Thus, supply chain partners need to preserve the data integrity of transacting messages with respect to the ERP database systems. The core technique of this kind of data exchange is matching XML documents and relational database schemas. An interactive tool is proposed here to simplify the integration and implementation efforts of data exchange between heterogeneous database systems in the supply chain system. The interactive tool is Web-enabled and it applies XML and XSL to translate trading messages. In order to store XML documents into the relational database, the structure and content of the XML document should be matched with the database schemas and verified by the users. The data contents of the XML document need to be matched not only with data types of the database but also with relational constraints to preserve the data integrity. XML schema and XML transformation are applied to translate data and solve schema conflicts between XML documents and the database system. Using this interactive tool, the matching methods provide mapping suggestions, and it relies on users with specific schema knowledge to provide final verification of the matching results. This tool provides an environment for administrators and designers of heterogeneous database systems to communicate data requirements, to resolve semantic conflicts, and to preserve data integrity.


data exchange supply chain management ERP XML XSLT


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