  • 期刊


A Study of Radial Sphygmogram on Yin Vacuity Syndrome in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


陰虛為系統性紅斑狼瘡常見之證,其主要症狀有五心煩熱、咽乾口燥、舌紅或少苔、脈細數等。本項研究是以脈波儀對系統性紅斑狼瘡陰虛證患者進行臨床測量,期望能從其中比較出陰虛與非陰虛患者在脈波圖形上之差異。 本研究在門診篩選系統性紅斑狼瘡陰虛患者18名及非陰虛患者15名,以汪氏脈波儀檢測寸、關、尺三部之浮、中、沈三種不同脈位,取兩手共18個脈圖,就其脈波之各項參數進行分析。 研究結果顯示:在左寸、左關、左尺及右寸三處之脈波總面積,以Student's t-test檢定,兩組間均無顯著差異,但以盒形圖觀察,非陰虛組有大於陰虛組之趨勢;在右關及右尺兩處,陰虛組與非陰虛組之盒形圖並無明顯差異,以Student's t-test檢定亦無顯著水準,在弦脈指標及滑脈指標方面,陰虛組與非陰虛組均無明顯差異。


Yin vacuity is a common syndrome in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). In this study, radial sphygmogram was employed for the analysis of SLE patients with yin vacuity. The medical records of 33 subjects were collected from the special rheumatic clinic at the Institute of Chinese Medical Science. Among the 33 subjects, 18 had yin vacuity, and 15 did not. Bilateral radial pulse analysis was conducted using sphygmography. The results were recorded in terms of the following parameters including, the area under the pulse wave, the ratio of upper-third width of the pulse wave and the pulse wave period, the ratio of the height of the dicrotic notch and the height of the pulse wave, and the amplitude of the dicrotic wave. The results were as follows: 1. In terms of the ”area under the pulse wave”, there were no significant differences between the subjects with yin vacuity and without yin vacuity in any position. However, the box plots showed that those in the yin vacuity group had smaller areas in the left inch, left gate, left cubit, and right inch positions. There were no differences on the box plots between those with yin vacuity and those without yin vacuity in the right gate and cubit positions. 2. In terms of the ”ratio of the upper-third width of the pulse wave and the pulse wave period”, the ”ratio of the height of the dicrotic notch and the height of the pulse wave”, and the ”amplitude of dicrotic wave”, there were no significant differences between the two groups.


