  • 期刊


Ecosystem Theories for Regional Studies


現階段與區域研究相關之環境及資源管理研究所採用之理念與方法多偏向於管理學與經濟學;較缺乏以生態系統理論為基礎之研究。本文首先引介與區域研究相關之生態系統理論(容受力、肯尼量定律、系統原理等) ;然後分空間、動態、與環境評價三方面;分別說明區域研究態分析所根基之生態系統理論與方法。區域研究生態分析空間面研究近年之發展以景觀生態學取向為主;但研究範圍多侷限於都市以外之綠地系統。動態面研究以建立整合性系統模型為主要發展;但在系統生態學原理之延用還有待加強。環境評價方面仍以能量分析為主導;但不同能量分析方法間、以及與經濟學方法問之溝通有待突破。最後;本文建議四個未來有關區域研究探用生態系統理論之研究方向: (1)詮釋生態系統理論對區域研究之意涵;(2)建立整合性系統模型之生態機制研究;(3)以生物物理為基礎以及以個人主觀偏好判斷環境評價間之關聯;以及(4)結合空間與動態之系統模擬。


Current research on environmental and resource management emphasizes on the application of concepts and methods from disciplines of management and economics and lacks the application of ecosystem theory﹒This paper introduces the ecosystem theory such as carrying capacity, energy laws, and system principles that can be employed by regional analysis. Concepts and methodologies of ecological analysis for spatial analysis, dynamic simulation, and environmental valuation are discussed respectively. Current research on spatial analysis is dominated by landscape ecology, however, it is limited to natural areas and open space system. Current research on the dynamic aspect of environmental and resource management emphasizes on the development of integrated system model. But the application of systems ecology principles has to be strengthened. Energy analysis is the main biophysical approach for environmental valuation. The debates between different approaches (emergy synthesis, embodied energy analysis, and exergy analysis) and between energy analysis and subjective value judgment represent the continuing development of the discipline. Finally, four research questions are proposed as research agenda of the application of ecosystem theory for regional studies: (1) implication of ecosystem theory for regional studies; (2) ecological mechanisms for the development of integrated system model; (3) interrelationships between biophysical approach and subjective value judgment for environmental valuation; (4) integration of spatial and dynamic simulation.


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